Chapter 17: Truth Be Told (Spider-War Arc)

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Spider-Man (2002): I'd hate to interrupt, Which I don't, But what does Y/n have to do with any of this. From the dimension shattering to Spot giving Klaw more power and getting away. What was his par in this?

Doctor Strange:...Look, I understand you trying to protect him. But you know what he is to become in the future..

Spider-Man (2002): We can still prevent it.

Namor (MCU): That's if the boy commits to our warnings...Only time will tell.

Y/n: But seriously, Why am I the one being blamed for all of this? And what about me is that I become?

Superior Iron-Man sighs as he realizes that he had to go in depth about the situation. He knew it was time.

Superior Iron-Man: Doctor Banner?!

Professor Hulk: Yeah?

Superior Iron-Man: It's time we showed him

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Superior Iron-Man: It's time we showed him.

Professor Hulk: Alright...Follow me...Come on everybody.

The group followed Doctor Banner, But only two people stayed behind for a bit. Y/n and Civil Warrior stared at each other as they had established that they don't like each other.

Civil Warrior: Well, You heard the good doctor. Go on.

Y/n: No, No. Ladies First.

Civil Warrior: Funny...But I insist.

Y/n: *Walks in direction of the group* And I thought Sakura was annoying. Hell, I'd settle for Overdrive...

The group followed Doctor Banner into his lab. There were multiple gadgets and tech suits around the area. And a few chemical elements were lying about as well.

Y/n: What is this place?

Professor Hulk: This my lab...Don't touch anything.

Y/n: Okay..

Professor Hulk: All of this you see in front of you. We invented it.

Y/n: I'm sorry, Who is 'we'?

Superior Iron-Man: By 'we' he's referring to Me, Himself, and Doctor Hank Pym.

Y/n: Wait, As in the original Ant-Man, Hank Pym?

Professor X: Correct. Mr. Pym?

Hank: Professor Xavier...I'm guessing there's a problem.

I'm guessing there's a problem

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