Chapter 21: The Ultimate Alliance (Spider-War Arc)

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As Spider-Shinobi takes his tanto blade out of the glass, he breathes heavily. Meanwhile some of the spiders were trying to wake Miles 2099 up, but there was no response.

Miles (PS4): Come on man, Wake up...Wake up!!

Spider-man 2099:...Lyla...What are his vitals?

Lyla:...His vitals...are flatlined....He's gone Miguel...

Spider-Man 2099: No....No.....

Superior Iron-Man:...Look...I know this is hard. But we have to—

Spider-Shinobi: GGRRRAAHHH!!!!!!!!!

Spider-Shinobi then throws both his tanto blade and a kunai and Civil Warrior and Superior Iron man. The two weapons nearly hit them, but miss.

Superior Iron-Man: What The Hell?!

Civil Warrior: I don't remember my face looking like Sakura's.

Superior Iron-Man: Look everything will be okay...

Spider-Shinobi: Okay? OKAY?! Morlun threatened our universes and killed our friend and you think it's 'OKAY'?!

Akali: If that's the case, fuck you!!

Civil Warrior: Mind your tongue, Akali!

Akali: How about you shove those words up your ass, Civil Warrior!!! Do you realize what has happened here?!...HE HAS OFFICIALLY DECLARED WAR AGAINST US ALL!!!!!

Superior Iron-Man: And it's a war we'll fight in.

Spider-Shinobi: Any idiot can fight a war...It takes a soldier to finish one...You know what...I quit...

Civil Warrior: So you're giving up?!

Spider-Shinobi: I'm NOT giving up. I quit, MOAF...For good!

Akali: ANyone who would like to join, now's your chance!

As Akali had said this, there was a long wave of silence. Soon heroes and spiders began to go on the side the others were. This was the start of something for the worse or the better. Soon a decent number of heroes sided with the spiders and the rest stayed with the Illuminati.

Superior Iron-Man: So you three are leaving?

Doctor Strange: I knew the Illuminati wouldn't allow it, But it is my job as the sorcerer supreme to protect anything that threatens the multiverse...besides...Dormammu has returned.

Shuri: He's right...And he destroys what is left of Wakanda...Then I have failed my duty as a queen

Namor (MCU):...Talokahn's people need protection too. I can't leave them alone to die again...

Spider-Shinobi: They're right you know...You guys aren't heroes...You fight for yourselves. Your parents are probably disappointed in you...As for you, Civil Warrior...You're a disgrace to your grandfather's mantle...your mom is probably beyond disappointed in you, especially you...You shouldn't even be holding that shield...

Civil Warrior:...

Miguel (ATSV): Lyla, open a gateway for HQ...Our alliance is done.

Lyla: Already on it.

A hexagon portal then opens as all the spiders and other heroes enter through the portal. Spider-Man 2099 carries Miles 2099's corpse in his arms as he takes off the mask of his former protege.

Miguel (ATSV): I'm sorry that it came to this...Morlun won't get away with this...

Spider-Man 2099: I won't let him...

Lego Spider-Man: Don't worry Miguel...We're going to knock the bricks off Morlun when we're done.

Lego Spidey walks through the portal and the two 2099 variants follow. But are stopped by Civil Warrior.

The Beginning of a Strand (Spider Man Male Reader) [Sequel]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora