Chapter 2: Flash to the Past: Shoot For The Loot

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[Still A Flashback]


Later in a lab, a man with glasses was experimenting on a meteor. It glowed green as he was trying to tap into the rock's powers.

Norton: This is Doctor Norton G. Fester. I have been testing the rock since the incident with the collider. It seems to be glitching.

Norton pokes the rock and it glitches.

Norton: I have developed a machine that could replicate the rock's power and amplify it to people. This is the first test of my machine.

Norton puts the rock in a microwave and Norton steps into the machine. The Machine began to start up as parts of it spun around Norton. Everything was going smoothly until the machine began smoking. It then electrocuted Norton and the lab exploded.

(Later in the City)

Y/n was perched on a building eating yogurt, until he saw flames coming from Oscorp.

Y/n: Oh shit! That's coming from Oscorp!

Y/n webs his yogurt to the wall and swings towards Oscorp. He swings towards Oscorp at great speeds. Within Minutes he makes it to the scene and sees Firemen in the area.

Y/n: What the hell happened?!

Firefighter: Spider-Man!! A section of the tower exploded. We're evacuating everyone in the building.

Y/n: I'll go on in to see if there's any survivors.

Firefighter: We're getting everyone out as fast as we can. We need time.

Y/n: We're out of time!!

Y/n slingshots himself up towards the section of the building that is burning. He makes his way through the flaming lab and sees a man in a chamber. Y/n smashes the glass and gets him out of the chamber. Y/n jumps out and the lab explodes as it was destroyed completely. All of the people in the upper floors were evacuated and the fires were soon put out.

Firefighter: Thanks Spider-Man.

Y/n: Anytime.

Y/n swings away from the scene and watches them aid anyone in need of help. He sees the scientist get put in an ambulance and sent off to the hospital.

Y/n: I hope he's okay...I should go home...Get some rest.

Y/n swing home to rest as his work is done here. But after tonight, The next events to come will take a turn in a more...twisted way.

(Later in the Ambulance)

Two of the medic were treating the Scientist. They had been trying to revive the doctor, but so far there has been no luck.

Medic #1: Poor guy, He was just in a lab doing an experiment.

Medic #2: Yeah, On himself.

Medic #1: You don't know that!

Medic #2:...Let's just focus on the patient.

As the medics continued to treat the scientist, The lights in the car began to flicker and Norton's eyes shot open, but this time his eyes were green.

Medic #2: What the hell?

A burst of electricity flips the truck over and onto the road. Norton gets up in the wreckage and kicks the doors off the hinge of the truck.

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