Friend-zoned - Aubrey

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"Angel! What the hell?!" Kim shouts as she is now covered in water.
Angel laughs before diving back into the musty lake, making Kim cringe. 

The troublesome group enjoys their final weeks of summer break before the cold front arrives, Aubrey sits under a tree with their (H/C) friend, watching the scene unfold. 
"Angel! You stupid ass, you're gonna get sick!" The pink haired girl shouts from the distance, yet Angel seems to have no care in the world whatsoever, floating on his back in the dirty pond. 

You chuckle, knowing that you'll be stopping by Angels house sometime this week with a bowl of hot soup and medication from the pharmacy. 

You glance at Aubrey from the side, you were in a pickle.. You had a crush on her, a big one at that but you weren't sure if she felt the same. She gave you mixed signals, but then again this is Aubrey! she always messes with people... You were on her good side and confessing your feelings could damage that bond. And so, you kept your feelings hidden and took the title 'best friend' instead. 
Of course, your heart wouldn't let that secret just be a you only thing. You told Kim a while back about your feelings for Aubrey and she said that with the price of a bag of candy, she would try to help bring you and Aubrey closer and find out if she feels the same way. 

"Are you staring at me?" Aubrey breaks you from your thoughts with a smirk, making you blush a bit from embarrassment. 
"S-sorry! I just zoned off a bit" You chuckle, attempting to redeem yourself.
You cant tell if your face is warm from the sun or from seeing Aubrey smile, she always had a certain charm to her despite her rough-and-tough exterior. And you were blessed to see that soft side of her.

Aubrey waves her hand a bit "Its fine, I get it.. but be careful, if you stare too long you might fall for me~" Aubrey says jokingly, hitting your shoulder in a playful manner. 

'Too late Aubrey, I already did'
You think as you chuckle awkwardly. 

"Hey Aubrey! Me and Kim gotta start heading home" Vance calls out. Kim looks at you and Aubrey before standing up from the grass 
"Yeah! Also Y/N has to go as well, I promised to walk them home" Kim adds, making you a bit confused until you realize she wants to know what's going on between you and Aubrey.

The pink haired girl says her goodbyes, in which Kim drags you away from the hangout spot
"Its been a few months Y/N! Did you tell her how you feel?" Kim asks. You groan a bit and start to blush 
"I tried but every time I get so close to saying it she does something that makes be forget everything- and then I start to panic because what if I ruin our friendship over i-" "Y/N! Get a hold of yourself!" Kim interrupts
"You know thinking like that will get you no where, right?- you know what.. Its fine, ill go talk to Aubrey real quick and try to get something out of her.. I'm no match maker but i've seen some of the looks she gives you. If you get too scared to tell her how you feel, I can always deliver the message" 
You look at Kim and sigh, nodding "that.. that would be great.. thank you, Kim"
Kim gives you a toothy smile and a thumbs up "Its no problem! That's what friends are for"

You and Vance walk home as Kim runs back to the hangout spot.
"Aubrey! Aubrey! Hey!" Kim calls out, making Aubrey raise her eyebrow
"Kim? I thought you were heading home?"
"I was, but this is kinda important"

Kim sits down next to Aubrey
"What do you think about Y/N?" "Kim.. this again?" "Yes this again! Answer the question"
Aubrey sighs 
"They're kind, funny when they want to be.. always knows when to be serious and rough when they need to be.. They always make sure that i'm happy and are there when i'm upset.. In all honesty a good friend" 
Kim raises an eyebrow "Just a friend?.. Nothing more?"

"Kim!" Aubrey shouts
"Come on! i've seen the way you act around them!"
"Kim, I told you! were just friends." 

Kim groans in annoyance
"Just friends?.. Just friends!? Are you kidding? They look at you like you're their entire world Aubrey!" 

Aubrey is stunned "wait.. are you saying-" "Yes, Aubrey! Yes! Y/N has feelings for you! Major ones at that! They're afraid of telling you because they think you'd hate them if they confessed!"

Aubrey seems dumfounded, remaining quiet for a few minutes. Kim realizes that she may have said too much "Aubrey-" "I..I need time to think.." 
Aubrey gets up and leaves, not knowing what to say or what to think.

Over the next few weeks, Aubrey hasn't answered your calls, every time you visit the group it seems Aubrey left before you arrived. Kim apologized to you over a billion times, but you didn't care. you knew this would happen. you should have just kept quiet, and now, you lost your best friend. 

You lay in bed, not being able to sleep. You're pulled away from your thoughts when you receive a text. 




A/N: Haha bozo's get cliff hangered 

 ---A/N: Haha bozo's get cliff hangered 

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