Panic Attacks - C.Spaceboy

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Reverse comfort!
TW: none

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It had been a long day for the captain of the space pirates.
A lot of pop up missions, big and small have been causing the space pirates some difficulty.

"Sir! Sprout moles are attacking civilians in (_____)"

"Sir! There have been sightings of beasts scaring away innocent civilians!"


Spaceboy was being overwhelmed, the mental teacup was on the verge of overflowing. He needed a breather, he needed a break.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'll be back.." the captain said, getting up from his chair managing to hold everything together until the bathroom door was closed.
Once it was, his facade broke. He covered his mouth to muffle the noise of his unstable breaths. It felt like the room was getting smaller as his lungs filled with water, shortening his oxygen flow. Tears started pouring as the mental teacup overflowed. It was just too much for today. One or two pop up missions were nothing to panic over but it was all just too much.

It had been 10 minutes. The crew was worried and looked to you, second in command.

You were Spaceboys first mate, and his lover. You had grown worried,
You commanded one of the crew members to steer the ship and another plan out what missions we had to do in order.
After that, you excused yourself to check on Spaceboy to see if everything was fine.

You were walking down the empty halls of the ship, until you heard crying. You couldn't identify the voice, either way you rushed down the hall only to stop in front of the bathroom door.

"Knock knock knock* Spaceboy? Is everything alright? It's me Y/N"
The crying seemed to quite down but no one answered.
"I'm coming in" you say opening the door slowly.

Your eyes soften to see Spaceboy huddle in the corner, shaking.
His glossy eyes look straight ahead, not glancing at anything else.
You slowly walk over and sit down next to him
"Hey, it's alright.. what happened?"
You say voice not above a whisper. Spaceboy muttered nonsense, not able to form a sentence.
"Can I hug you?."
It took a minute before he nodded.

You drape your arm behind him, pulling him closer to you. He leaned his head on your shoulder as his breathing quickened. You don't know how long he was like this, but at this rate he could pass out due to exhaustion.

"Hey, focus on my voice. I don't know what happened but you'll get through this, I promise you."
You say rubbing his back as he clutched onto you tightly
"Listen to my voice, breath in, 1 2 3 4 5, breathe out, just like that"
Spaceboy followed your instructions and started to get his breathing under control and his body stopped shaking.

"You did so good, I'm very proud of you.." you say kissing his cheek.
"Thank y-you.... I'm sorry you had to see me in such a state, it was just- too much I-"
"Hey hey.. don't worry about it. Sometimes we need to focus on ourselves and take breaks. How about you take a rest. I'll take care of the missions don't worry."
Spaceboy shook his head and laughed "nonono you don't have to-" "but I do. I insist. Take the rest of the day off. I'll be the captain today"

You smile at him and cup his cheeks. He smiles back warmly and leans in, kissing your lips.
"What did I do to deserve you?.."

Spaceboy goes to a spare bedroom on the ship and lays down. You walk to the main lobby where everyone was.
"What happened? Is the captain alright?"
You smile and nod your head
"He needed to take a day off, I'm gonna be captain for the rest of today. Now then! What's the mission?"

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