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-is- is there a problem with that?
-he would not care
-He'd probably sleep in with you
-Yall worried the crap outa mari though

(DREAM) Aubrey

-Gets to see your beautiful sleeping face
-but ya'll got stuff to do
-Gently shakes you awake
-if you don't wake up after her calmly trying to get you up, she'll get annoyed and hit you with a pillow

(DREAM) Hero

-Sighs to himself
-Makes breakfast then shakes you awake while whispering to please get up
-Gets concerned on how much sleep you're getting


-Ya'll know that scene with space bf?
-He jumps on you to get you up
-You wake up
-he doesn't care how mad you are for jumping on him, he wants to go on adventures!

(DREAM) Basil

-Is too afraid to wake you up
-He'll feel bad for ruining your peaceful slumber
-He lets you sleep another hour before gently nudging you awake
-Apologizes softly for waking you up


-Gets concerned on why you weren't at her picnic
-Had omori escort her to your place (she got a bad knee and omori doesn't want her to get hurt by enemies)
-Finds you oversleeping
-sighs and shakes her head then proceeds to wake you up
-slowly nudges you into a proper sleep schedule


-He was trapped in his house for 4 years, sleeping constantly
-he doesn't mind
-Some days he might cuddle up to you and sleep with you 


-throws rocks on your window
-Takes you a minute before you realize its your lovely girlfriend 
-"hey asshole! wake up!"


-"oh Y/N...."
-Wakes you up ofc
-Basically interviews you about how much rest you're getting
-He cares for you okay


-Takes photos 
-then he'll poke your cheek until you wake up
-"good morning sunshine~ sorry to wake you but its 3 in the afternoon and you need to eat so up and at em!"


-Thinks you're ignoring him when you didn't show up to your usual hangout spot
-was relived when he found out you overslept
-felt bad waking you up 

Captain Spaceboy

-"My dear? oh goodness. You overslept again?"
-wakes you up and scolds you about the importance of sleep and getting up on time
-makes you breakfast (and lunch if you missed lunch)


-Got annoyed and hit you with a pillow 
-Pulled you out of bed and threw your outfit in your arms
-you had no time to process what just happened so you stood there for a hot minute
-"come on now, chop chop! Its evening and you're just now getting up!"

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now