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-Just makes a new version of you
-he IS the dreamer afterall


-stares in horror at your limp body
-Wants to look away but she's too frozen in shock
-She sobs loudly
-Refuses to talk to anyone, becoming much like her real world self
-Omori ends up erasing's everyone's memory of you, or just makes a new you


-No, no you cant be dead
-You just..got lost! yes, lost! 
-He goes into heavy denial about your death, if someone tries to put him back into reality he'll snap and yell at them until they leave him alone


-"no..no no no..Y/N! Y/N, you're gonna be okay! Y/N? Darling?.. Darling.. no.. wake up.. please.. you have to.."
-Grieves and goes to mari for support
-Doesn't explore with the party as much anymore, the world seems so dull without you in it..


-Refuses your death for a while
-when the reality caves in, he doesn't take it so good..
-He cries and breaks down at the littlest of things that reminds him of you, including himself
-Eventually, he uses that sadness and grief to become stronger and tag along in more adventures with omori and friends


-He is crushed
-Him? alone?..no not again! anything but that again!
-sweetheart kicks him out due to him crying too loud and disrupting her beauty sleep
-The grief hits him so bad, he considers joining you.. he just cant be alone again.. 


-"My.. starlight is...no... i-is this some kind of sick joke?!.. they aren't dead!.. they.. they cant be... oh.. my starlight, no...."
-He's overcome with emotions
-snaps, then breaks down.
-He went back to sweetheart to get that attention that you gave him, the sense that he was worth something, but just like before she threw him away like trash. 
-He went on top of snow globe mountain, hoping that the coldness puts him out of his misery 


-Laughs manically, no that cant be right! you said you would leave her! you wouldn't lie to your sweetheart!
-Doesn't know what to feel
-She snaps at anything that reminds her of you, obliterating it entirely 
-she laughs when she's sad, she's angry when she's happy in fear of loosing someone like you again
-sweethearts quest for hearts goes back on air though...yay?


-spirals into a deep depression
-biscuit tries to comfort her and sticks with her
-gets heavy separation anxiety after that, especially over biscuit
-to her, he's the only one that she deeply cares for that's left, if he leaves she'll truly have nobody


-same thing as with doughie
-Sometimes when doughie hugs him, he pretends that its you. for a brief moment, he's at peace before spiraling back into the reality that you're never coming back


-is upset, deeply torn but stays brave for everyone else
-they adored you as well, they have to pull through this together. Moping around about your death for eternity isn't healthy and wont bring you back to her, as much as she would like


-He stares at your body in horror, getting some flashbacks from the incident 
-"Y/N?...no.. not again.."
-When paramedics tried to take you away, he held onto you tight refusing to hand you over saying that you were just sleeping
-lets just say he's not coming out for 4 years...


-"haha! very funny Y/N! You aren't fooling me that easily with your fake sleeping-...Y-Y/N?...why are you so...Y/N?!"
-Blamed himself
-He was with you the night before, he should have seen the signs
-He starts denying his needs, might take a break from basketball and focus more on schoolwork
-His parents are proud of him and happy! they say he's doing good and to keep up the good work!... why cant he feel that happiness... why cant he be as happy as they are..


-He gave up trying when it came to meeting new people
-He shut everyone else out, cutting contact and refusing to meet anyone new in fear that they'll leave him, just like both of you did
-there must be something wrong with him...the first time, he thought otherwise but twice?.. its definitely him..
-He doesn't wanna inflict pain on himself or another poor souls family


-holds your corpse close to him, pretending that you're alive
-he hugs your cold body tighter, hoping that his body heat can transfer to yours and bring you back
-he takes your death roughly
-he refuses to eat, to talk, to sleep
-why not him, why couldn't it have been him! anyone but you!
-Mental breakdowns 🤝Basil


-"Dead?..They are...pffttt haha! yeah right...is this some kind of sick game to you bastard!?"
-snaps at everyone
-is cold shouldered to the hooligans
-when she cries, she blames you for her pain, blames you for everything, saying how she hates your guts but regrets saying it after and bawls even harder 
-visits your grave as much as she can


-starts crying
-she gets quiet and more anxious around people
-keeps to herself
-lost interest in drawing for a while
-how is she supposed to enjoy the things you loved her for?..

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now