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-Literally kills for you.
-You don't know that of course! All you know is that he's clingy and according to mari, adores you!
-If someone really pisses him off, he wont kill them. No no no, death is just a sweet release compared to the horrors they're about to face.. Instead, he sends them to blackspace, keeping them alive as he tortures them and makes them watch their loved ones die.
-But he's still your sweet, shy omori after all! 


-Manipulative, even.
-If you try to hang out with someone, she will guilt trip you into staying with her. 
-She'll make herself cry and become upset until you agree to stay


-He's not a killer psycho, but if someone gets in the way and tries to flirt with you, when you aren't around he'll mess em up real good and leave them in the middle of nowhere, leaving them in the hands of fate. 


-A tinyyy bit manipulative and controlling
-Might lie to get you to stay with him
-"You're going to hang out with them? My dear, I care about you deeply.. And you deserve to know this.. They've been saying really harmful things about you behind your back, its not best to hang out with them.. Trust me, okay darling?"


-"W-why are you trying to leave me!..Please, dont leave me alone!" "Basil, im just hanging out with them at the playground.."
-Like aubrey, will cry and get upset so you stay.


-Watches your every move from inside the castle walls
-cherishes every time you both chat! even if all you said was hello
-paints you constantly, he just cant stop thinking about you!


-Kidnaps the people that you hang out with and kills the people that try to hit on you
-"starlight..I can give you a better time than what they can.. don't you love me?.. then stay..."
-Yeah he's a bit controlling
-His anger gets the best of him sometimes, but he convinces you to stay
-He just cant get enough of you..


-..just another Tuesday 
-She's already a bit of a yandere


-Admires your beauty from afar
-You're just so breathtaking!
-Cherishes everything you do, engraving it into her mind
-She's also a bit overprotective, but that's only if someone bothers you! 


-Too shy or nervous to say anything when he's around you
-He doesn't want to destroy the relationship you have now, he's fine watching you from afar instead! 
-If someone messes with you he kidnaps them and throws them into a pit with bread enemies 


-Kind of like hero, she'll lie into making you stay with her
-She's so good at covering it up to, its impossible to realize 


-Watches you from his window every day
-The type of guy to stalk your socials and save all of the photos you post so he can look at them later
-Is too anxious to talk to you in person


-He'll drop threats but never actually hurt someone unless he really has to
-Oversteps boundaries a bit 


-A bit manipulative
-"What do they have that I don't? You know what, no its fine. go be with them. I can leave"
-He constantly pulls on your strings to make you stay with him
-uses his charm to help with that, making him irresistible 


-Much like his headspace version, will start crying to make you feel bad
-Stalks you when you aren't with him, taking photos of you from afar and making his own personal photo album of you for his eyes alone
-Probably has a shrine of you somewhere


-Overprotective, may(WILL) go ape shit on someone
-Snaps at people that gets too close
-Becomes manipulative at times
-just don't question why your friend disappeared after complimenting your outfit the day prior..


-draws you from afar but is too shy to talk to you. 
-is overall a sweet person so no one suspects anything

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now