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-Non-stop searching
-The minute he found out it felt like his whole world went quiet
-Seems more glumly then usual
-Doesn't sleep

(DREAM) Aubrey

-Snaps more at everyone
-Vents to Mari
-Frantically searches areas big and small
-Worries 24/7

(DREAM) Hero

-Tries to think of good scenarios
-Holds himself together, reassuring himself that you are safe and will be found


-Talks to himself, thinking you're there
-Tries to stay positive
-Made a promise to himself that he'll search the whole world if he has to

(DREAM) Basil

-Panic attack's
-Automatically thinks the worst has happened
-Doesn't sleep
-Stays behind, thinking that he'll slow everyone down with his weeping
-Looks through his photo album


-Is calm
-Knows that you can handle yourself
-Doesn't mean that she doesn't worry, because she does
-But she has hope


-All nighters
-Makes millions of missing person posters
-Asks kel to help
-Assumed the worst yet still tries to think positive
-When he's not searching he's in headspace talking to the dream version of you
-Still isn't the same


-Snaps a lot more
-Reports to the police, but still searches for you herself anyway
-Still texts 'goodnight' to your phone even though she knows you won't respond
-Cries in private sometimes


-Tries to think positive
-Put up missing posters
-you know that shaking leg think people do when they're nervous? Yeah, he does that and stares at his phone on the counter waiting for someone to call and say that they found you
-sleepless nights


-Out of character
-Snaps at people a lot more
-Gets more aggressive when playing basketball
-Tries to keep himself busy by helping out people
-Stares at the ceiling hoping that any day you'll knock on the door
and come home


-Breaks down more often
-Like hero, frantically waits for a phone call that someone found you
-skips meals sometimes (heavily concerns Polly )
-Looks through pictures of you
-Can't pay attention, constantly thinking about you

Captain Spaceboy

-Gets more aggressive
-Hides in his bed and sulks
-You outta know there's at least 10 search parties looking for you at all times
-Thinks of the worse case scenario
-Blames himself


-Frantic search party
-laughs, but not in a happy way
-When shes alone she cries
-Didn't know how much she needed you until you were gone

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now