Getting into trouble - Kel

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Moving into faraway was something you weren't happy about. You had to leave behind your friends, family, and childhood home. Many memories just.. left behind in one car ride. 

You were told to walk around by your parents, get to know people, overall make new memories. You didn't expect to get into trouble with a gang of bullies on your first day of stepping foot in the town. 

The gentle summer breeze hits your face, making its own music as you walk down the cracked and chipped sidewalk, occasionally kicking a few pebbles. You had already visited the plaza and had a conversation with a nice artist girl..

"Come on Kel! Fight me! What, are you scared?~" "Really Angel?.. I'm not fighting you" 
You overhear two people talking. Curiosity gets the better of you and you stop in your tracks, hiding behind a tree as you continue to eavesdrop.

"Aha! I knew it! You're a coward, admit it!" The scrawny energetic kid says, giving the other person a shove 
"Angel, cut it out! I'm not fighting you. You always loose" "N-No I don't! And ill prove it!" 

The kid lunges forward, wrapping his arms around the boys torso, attempting to knock him down before the other boy pushes him away too hard. The kid hits the ground. A person with bright yellow hair runs off
"oops.. Sorry Angel, but you had it coming" The boy says, going to offer his hand to help the kid up. The kid scoffs, getting up quickly and brushing off.
"T-That's not fair! Round two!" 

The two argue for a few minutes before the person with the bright yellow hair returns with a group of people. 
"You again Kel? God, why are you always starting trouble" A girl with pink hair says, annoyance laced in her voice. 
The boy looks at her 
"Me? I didn't start it Aubrey! I swear!" The boy says, standing his ground as he defends himself. 

The pink hair girl gets a baseball bat full of nails, holding it in position as the others behind her drop their scooters on the ground.

You watch as the boy blocks and receives punches and hits, you can already see his skin beginning to bruise as you bite the inside of your cheek. 
The pink hair girl raises her bat and is about to hit the boy before you rush out from behind the tree, standing in front of him protectively. 
"Stop it! Stop it! He didn't do anything!" You yell. 

The girl stares at you coldly as she raises her eyebrow 
"Do I know you?.. Whatever, stay in your own lane" She says

You look at her, feeling fear but letting your pride get the better of you 
"No. I wont stand by and watch you do this, you're being a dick"

The girl looks at you, fuming with anger 
"They fuck did you just say to me newbie?.." She says, getting closer to your face staring into your soul.
You grit your teeth, staring daggers at her
"I said you're being a dick. Now get lost" The girl raises her fist, about to lay a punch before a cop patrolling the park shouts at them.
"Boss.. We need to leave.. I'm too fabulous to go to jail!" The yellow haired boy says. 
The pink haired girl scoffs, giving you a glare 
"This isn't over, newbie.." She threatens before running off with her group. 

You let out a sigh after they leave before feeling a hand on your shoulder
"Hey, uh- Thanks.. You didn't have to do that though" The boy says. You smile and shake your head
"I would have felt bad if I didn't.. Are you okay? those bruises look pretty nasty" 

The boy chuckles and waves his hand 
"Eh, its nothing" He holds out his hand "I'm Kel, I haven't seen you around before.. Did you just arrive?" 
You shake his hand back and smile 
"Y/N, and yeah.. I got here this morning. My plan was to take a walk and stay out of trouble.. So much for that.." You mumble the last part

Kel chuckles before giving you a toothy smile
"Well, welcome to faraway! Maybe.. I can show you around sometime?" He says, making you blush a tiny bit at his generosity
"S-Sure! But first, lets patch up those injuries" You say, reaching into your bag and pulling out a first aid kit.

He lets out a nervous chuckle, a tint of blush appearing on his cheeks 
"I-I'm fine! Really, you don't have to trouble yourself" "Nonsense, I've got nothing planned. Plus, it'll only take a minute" 

Kel sits down on a nearby bench, letting you patch up his scratches and bruises
"Sooo... What street do you live on?" He says, making small talk.
"Right side of the first street, the last house" He nods and looks around 
"Y'know, my friend is actually moving soon.. Not to be a bother, considering we just met.. but do you have any tips I can give him to put his mind at ease?.." 
You look at him before looking down at his arm "I'm.. still trying to get use to everything myself... so I don't have much advice.." 
Kel looks at me and chuckles softly "Heh, its fine. I understand" 

You sit in silence for a few minutes before you sigh
"I..I would tell him to not let the past hold him back from moving forward.. and to keep his mind open to his new community and surroundings, its a new chapter of his life after all." 
Kel looks at you and blinks "Wow..." 
You blush a bit, letting your words set into your mind "S-sorry.. That seems a bit cliché.." "Nonono.. That was good, Ill make sure to tell him that" Kel says with a bright smile
You look at him, his smile is so contagious you cant help but give him a grin.

You notice that you were staring at him for a bit too long for comfort
"U-Uhm.. Thanks.." You finish wrapping up the bandage on his hand
"You should be good now, the scratches aren't too severe to where you need to keep the bandages on for too long.. Just make sure to disinfect them before and after bed" You say with a small smile as he takes his hand back. 

He gives you another bright, toothy smile
"Will do!" Kel looks at the sunset and stands up, stretching "Well, I better get home for dinner.. see you.. around?.." He asks with a questionable smile.
You chuckle and nod "See you around..Kel" 

Kel waves and walks off as you sit there in the park for a few more minutes before getting up and taking your leave. 

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Live footage of the writer trying to make a one shot that's not angst: 

A/N:Live footage of the writer trying to make a one shot that's not angst: 

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