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-He has major eye bags
-is sniffling constantly
-Mari and you forced him to go to bed, which he wasn't complaining
-You stayed with him in white space
-you rubbed his head while he slept
-got better eventually

(DREAM) Aubrey

-When you went near her she freaked out
-"I don't wanna get you sick Y/N!- *cough cough"
-You fed her soup
-ran her a cold bath

(DREAM) Hero

-He came out rapped in a blanket
-He came out to get a cup of water, you immediately rushed him back to bed and insisted on getting his water and a bowl of soup for him
-He was very happy
-cheek kisses


-"Kel sit down and take the medicine!" "NEVE- *coughs violently*"
-You and hero forced the medicine down
-He used being sick as an excuse for cuddles
-You gave in
-He fell asleep
-peace at last

(DREAM) Basil

-He has the cutest sneeze
-His nose is all flushed
-you tease him on how cute he looks
-He's even more flustered after that
-You feed him soup
-you also play with his hair until he falls asleep
-he melts


-Fully capable of taking care of herself, but you still insist on helping
-"well aren't you being sweet?~" "shut up I'm doing this for you dummy"
-You both watch movies together as she's wrapped in a blanket burrito


-He's in headspace as you're making him food
-leans on your shoulder if you sit next to him
-Loves how your hands are cold
-like he will take your hand and place it of his head
-"Sunny! You're burning up!" "Mmmmmmm"


-ignores the gang all day
-you go over to investigate ( slay )
-She answers the door while wrapped in a blanket
-her hair was messy as her nose was all red and puffy
-You entered yourself in, ignoring her protest
-did the airplane thing with the spoon
-She was flustered
-"here comes the airplane! Brrrrr~" "S-STOP THAT Y/N IM NOT A BABY-"


-"Hero you're gonna get me sick" "you're so warmmm"
-spoons you as he sleeps
-you make sure he eats
-You stop at the library to get him some books so he's not bored


-He is very drained
-"Kel get up, you need to eat something " "hgnnnnnn.. I don't wannaaaa"
-You cuddle him


-gets bolder
-very out of character
-"can we cuddle please" "basil as much as I'd love to, I'll get sick" "pleaseeee?"
-you give him soup
-And water
-You also draw with him when he's awake and can't sleep
-although you can't cuddle, you hold his hand and caress his knuckles

Captain Spaceboy

-mood swings
-Whiney x2
-vents to you on how horrible he feels
-asks you to play with his hair
-in dire need of affection which you are happy to give


-"Y/NNNN be a dear and get me some tea, would you?"
-Rants on how horrible she feels
-Doesn't take the icky medicine and requests something that actually tastes good
-you get her heart shaped mini sandwiches as a side snack with her soup

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now