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-Doesn't know what to do
-Goes to Mari or hero for advice, or just to help him out in general
-Stares at you
-Plays with your hands

(DREAM) Aubrey

-Overthinks then pulls herself together
-Gets hero to make soup for you as she gets a cold wash cloth to bring your temperature down
-Keeps kel from bothering you
-"Kel no! Y/N isn't feeling well!" "Hector just wanted to say hi!"

(DREAM) Hero

-He's a master chef. Tf you expect
-He convinces you to take medicine with whines and factual statements
-Plays with your hair


-Doesn't realize at first until Mari pointed out how tired you looked
-You passed out and he kinda freaked out
-Felt bad
-Was by your side the whole time to take your mind off of your sickness

(DREAM) Basil

-What if you die?What if it gets worse?
-Goes to Mari and hero
-Reads you books and makes you a flower crown
-Stares at you x2


-You tried to convince her that you were fine, she was having none of it
-Gave you a whole lecture on how your health matters
-Forces you to take your medicine
-makes you food
-Mostly leaves you alone so you can rest


-Heats up caned chicken noodle soup in the microwave
-Gets you an ice pack to keep your temperature down
-Leaves you alone to rest
-Puts on a movie if you can't sleep


-Doesn't know what to do
-Searches up stuff on google
-Ends up getting the hoolagians to get you stuff from the supermarket
-Medicine, soup, all that
-Gets annoyed when you don't wanna take the medicine
-May snap but apologies right after


-Bros literally training to be a doctor
-Gets you a cold rag, runs you a cold bath, makes soup
-Makes sure you're taking the medicine on time
-Plays with your hair


-He picked up some stuff from hero
-Gets you soup and orange juice ( them yummy vitamins )
-Makes sure you get proper rest
-"look, I know medicine is an utter disgrace to society but it'll make you feel better, you want me to get something to wash it down? Alright, I'll be right back love of my life!"


-Gets polly
-Helps feed you the soup if you're too weak
-Builds up the courage to give you little forehead kisses
-Checks your temperature every hour to make sure it's going down
-Holds your hand

Captain Spaceboy

-He's kinda over dramatic
-"my monarch, Are you alright!? You look as if you're death itself!"
-He takes you to the ships clinic
-You have a little flu
-He makes sure you're hella comfortable
-When you're not sleeping, he makes sure there's something distracting you from your sickness
-watching movies, reading books, listening to music, all that
-Very big on you taking your medicine


-She loves you
-But oml
-she staying 6 feet away from you
-she gets the sprout moles to give you the finest food that could help your sickness go away
-Gets you 'get well soon' Gifts
-those big ass balloons and stuffed animals? Yeah. You got 50 of them

Omori Oneshots and scenariosKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat