Familiar face - Sunny

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"-.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . -. - / .- .-.. --- -. ."

You shoot up in a cold sweat. That horrid sound again echoing in your mind as it has been for the past 4 years since that day. 

You could never find peace, even if you tried. Each time you're so close to grazing joy against your fingertips your mind flashes images of that horrifying eye. Is this insanity? probably. 

You sit up, walking to the bathroom and splashing water in your face, not daring to look in the mirror.
The noises that were once quiet become loud, the feeling of hands creeping on your body fill your senses making you grit your teeth. You slam your hands over your ears, trying to silence the noise only for it to grow louder, and louder, and louder.

You had enough and stormed out of the bathroom, irritation picking at your brain. Have you tried seeking a therapist? yes. But nothing helped ease the feeling of constantly being watched, or that voice that lived in your dreams. You could never truly tell them the real possible cause. What would happen to you if you told them you had a part in a murder? What if that's not the thing that's causing it and you did it all for nothing? Too much risks. 

 Walking out the down the stairs, you decide to get some fresh air. It could be good for you.

The old oak door creaks open, sunlight blinding you with its comforting warmth. The sound of your shoes hitting against the ground as well as the occasional chirping of birds is all you focus on as you focus on the nature around you instead of it

Before you know it, you arrive at faraway park. Blurry memories of your childhood pop up in your mind as you glance at certain areas. Everything looks so different, yet familiar and comforting despite the rust and overgrown plants. 

You walk in the park and sit down at a bench, a soft wind carrying your hair. 
Your mind wanders before getting pulled back into reality after your ears pick up a familiar voice. 

"Aubrey! Please... Listen to me.." 

You look in the direction and see the blonde haired boy 
'Basil?..' You think as you watch the scene unfold from afar

Your old childhood friends argue, something that is considered normal now ever since the incident. Everything fell apart after....
No. don't even think about that. 

You watch as the group bickers before a few faces walk into the park..
Kel and.. wait? sunny?..
Kel and Aubrey bicker before she challenges them to a fight, sunny slicing her in the stomach. He looks so pale and malnourished.. 

After Aubrey and her group leaves, Kel notices you
"Hey, is that Y/N? Hey! Y/N! Come over and say hi!" Kel shouts. 

You blush a bit from embarrassment before getting up and walking over
"Kel..you're so loud.." You mumble, making Kel chuckle and scratch the back of his neck. 
Kel offers to walk basil home, you and sunny tagging along.

The afternoon goes by, sooner or later the sun starts to set. 
Kel ends up going home, you all agreeing to meet tomorrow when hero comes home from collage. 

You take it upon yourself to walk sunny back,
The walk was silent, yet that was normal. You and Sunny were always considered the quiet ones of the group as kids. 
Sunny walks up to his door, you grab his hand gently making him look at you. 

"Hey.. Are you.. okay?" 
Sunny is still before nodding. This doesn't convince you, but you decide not to push it. 
You bring sunny into a hug before parting
"Take care of yourself, alright? Ill see you tomorrow, sunny.." You smile softly, him nodding in response. 

As he walks in the door, you swear you saw something staring back at you from his house. You brush it off before walking home..

Tomorrow is another day...

Omori Oneshots and scenariosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora