!TW: This scenario contains the topic of $H!


-He slapped the object out of your hand and grabbed your shoulders, studying your face
-"..Why?.." He whispered
-He didn't mean to startle or scare you, but you were giving into harmful things. he couldn't just sit by and watch
-Helped patch you up and clung to you, being there for physical comfort
-You aren't leaving his sight anytime soon


-She seemed.. angry, but she was really just scared, confused, and worried
-Held you and cried, urging you to get help
-You both calmed down, but she didn't let go. no, she wasn't leaving you until she KNOWS you are okay. 
-Took you to Mari, she knows more than she does about this than she does


-"Hey sunshine! what's taking so lo....S-Sunshine?...What are you doing!?" 
-He banned you from being around anything sharp or harmful without someone watching you
-He felt so dumb.. He believed your excuses like a gullible fool
 -He urged you to talk to Mari, or Hero.. He's not the best person to go to for this stuff, and he's aware
-But he'll always be there to give you hugs and compliments


-His eyes were wide, but he remained calm
-Approached you gently and asked for the object you were using to harm yourself, as well as the locations for the other ones (if you had more than one)
-Sat down and let you talk about what's been troubling you, allowing you a shoulder to lean on
-He's there, and he'll always be there.
-Told you to come to him if you feel the urges. You aren't a bother, you aren't a burden, you're his lover, and he will do anything to take the weight of your burdens off of you.


-He was horrified, but understood you
-He has those thoughts too sometimes, he understands.
-Patched you up, it was quiet for a while. Both of you were too scared to say anything, or you just didn't know what to say.
-After he patched you up he hugged you
-"I know you're sad... and that you're suffering.. but next time come to me.." 
-You both sat and hugged each other, crying silently. The moment was comforting


-Nope, nu uh, not on his watch!
-He snatched the item from your hand and hugged you tightly, the only word in his mind was 'why'.
-Why are you upset? Why didn't he notice the signs? Why did you choose this instead of talking to him?
-Gave you markers so you could draw on yourself instead of harming
-Supervised you for months


-Threw the item across the room
-He may have yelled (trust me when I say he regretted it)
-He was crushed, he had the suspicion that you were mentally suffering but he didn't know it was this bad.
-Patched you up in the comforting silence of his room
-After he was done he reassured you that he wasn't mad, but he was worried about your state in health.
-Found a therapist for you and urged you to talk to him when you got the urges. He even gave you a rubber band just in case he couldn't be at your side to hold you off until he had arrived


-"what on earth are you planning on doing with that?"
-Caught you just in time
-Was offended that you lied to her about your internal pain
-Isn't the comforting type, especially in these situations.
-She kindly(forcefully) asked a nearby therapist(threatened their life) to come to the palace and sort things out with you
-Locked up all of the sharp objects in the castle, even had sproutmoles snip all the thorns off the vines in the garden
-Clingy and made sure to put a lot of effort in being less rude to you
-She wanted you to trust her, especially in your darkest moments. 


-Was confused at first, until she realized what was going on
-Asked you for the objects and sat you down to talk
-Insisted you talked with her when you were having any troubles, she would always be there to lend an ear if you needed it


-Just hugged you from behind
-Secretly stole all the objects he could find, as well as hiding the objects that could cause harm to you
-Supervised you 
-Was very clingy after that


-Oh dear, that wont do
-Noticed the signs before hand and made an effort to secretly take the object(s)
-When she found you looking for it, she sat you down and talked you through your troubles and told you that you can do that anytime. She's only a walk away
-Made you cookies


-He noticed the new injuries
-Normally you would make an excuse or shrug it off, but he suffered with the topic himself so he knew something was up
-Hugged you (sunny side hug moment)
-He helped bandage you up and gave you techniques that helped him in his time of need
-He's more observant and watches you around anything that could harm you


-Confused, concerned, worried
-You saw him serious for a few minutes there, a rare sight indeed
-He told jokes to lighten the mood and cheer you up
-Helped bandage you up then took you to get pizza 
-Reassured you that if you needed him, he'll be there to help you through your dark moments


-Upon seeing you, much like his dream world counterpart he approached you gently and asked for the object you were using to harm yourself
-He'd send you little texts throughout the day asking you how you're doing, if you ate/drank anything, that stuff
-He also would give you more hugs and kisses and remind you how much you mean to him
-He had his dark moments too during the incident, he gave you a number for a therapist that he liked and said if it isnt for you, you guys can try again
-You arent alone, he'll be your hero in shining armor 


-Cried a bit upon seeing you
-"no..nonono...what did you do?.."
-He was afraid to touch you, thinking that if he did you would shatter like glass
-Bandaged you up
-probably had to take a breather in the other room to think this through so he doesn't say anything or do anything that could possibly make you feel worse
-Came back and hugged you
-He was clingy, you both established that you or him would stay at each others house for the night
-Gave you a rubber band just in case the urges came back


-In a state of shock, she may have yelled
-But instantly regret it
-Took a gentler approach and brought you into a awkward hug, allowing you to unburden your sorrows
-If anyone was troubling you, she'd kick their ass in a heartbeat. If you're mind is being mean, she'll talk you through it.
-She's yours, and your her's. She wont let you leave that easily


-Noticed the marks and asked you about it in private 
-Acted calm and collected, letting you vent 
-She gave you a rubber band and said that you can talk to her. Rather it be text or in person, she'd be there

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