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-He's quiet
-but shaken up
-He doesn't like to talk about it
-Just needs someone there with him to make him feel secure

(DREAM) Aubrey

-Shoots up and starts sobbing
-Hugs you for dear life as she explains how scary it was
-you rub her back and try to calm her down with words of comfort
-After she stops crying you give her her plushie
-She hugs it then cuddles up to you with a smile on her face

(DREAM) Hero

-woke up in a cold sweat
-said that he was fine despite the unstable breaths
-You hug him and he hugs back
-Protective Of you the next day


-Laughs it off
-You're worried about him and try to tell him that it's okay to feel negative emotions
-try's to wave it off
-just wants to be with you

(DREAM) Basil

-shaken up really badly
-He starts silently crying, trying not to wake you up
-you wake up anyway and hug him
-He tells you what his nightmare was about through sobs
-you play with his hair and rub his back
-he feels safer with you
-is more clingy the next day


-Doesn't make a big deal out of it
-is still shaken up though
-you hold her for the rest of the night
-she fell in love with you all over again


-He's quiet
-excuses himself to the bathroom so he can gather himself
-uses Mari's breathing methods
-holds you when he gets back
-doesn't wanna talk about his nightmare


-She woke up in a cold sweat, breathing unstable
-After some thinking she messaged you and asked if she could come over
-You being the best person that you are, said yes
-You could tell something was definitely wrong the minute you greeted her at the front door
-You took her to your room and hugged her
-no complaints AND she's hugging back??
-yup something's up
-She says it's stupid but you convince her anyway to tell you what happened
-she told you about the nightmare
-you played with her hair and held her the whole time
-she would never admit it but she loved it


-same as dream hero but a little bit more collected
-woke up in a cold sweat
-said that he was fine despite the unstable breaths
-Went to take a shower to calm down and to collect himself
-once he got back he hugged you
-apologizes for worrying you
-y'all held each other the rest of the night


-tried to laugh it off
-he broke eventually explaining the nightmare
-still tried to laugh it off so you didn't worry but you could see tears streaming down his face
-you wiped away his tears and hugged him saying that it was alright to cry
-just wanted you to be with him


-Had a nightmare of past events
-Started showing signs of a panic attack, so he rushed to the bathroom
-Doesn't wanna talk about it because, yk..
-When he gets back he's tired and just needs a hug
-you play with his hair while he just lays on you
-try's to stay awake to avoid having another nightmare

Captain Spaceboy

-Realizes that it was just a dream
-Pulls your sleeping form closer, spooning you
-goes back to bed


-Is overly dramatic about it
-you still comfort her though
-You brush her hair as she vents to you about the horrid dream
-Cuddles closer to you later when she's ready to fall back asleep

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now