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-You all meet up with Mari and the kids in the playground and have a big feast!
-Any food? you name it she has it
-you and Omori sit next to each other (ofc)
-he doesn't really eat too much food

(DREAM) Aubrey

-Yells at Kel for stealing all the mashed potato's
-holds hands with you
-makes a seat for her stuffed toy

(DREAM) Hero

-Helps prepare the food with you
-When making the bread, he might get into a silly mood and smear flour on your cheek
-in the end you both end up getting covered with flower and scolded by Mari
-food turned out amazing though!


-Kiddies table kid energy
-steals all the mashed potato's
-may or may not have accidentally eaten something with cheese and got hella gassy

(DREAM) Basil

-Feels bad for eating too much food or asking for seconds
-helped out a bit before hand by growing some fresh veggies!
-Puts a potted plant in the center of the table before the food is done


-Helps decorate the table with basil
-Also helps hero set out the food!
-keeps an eye on Kel
-makes sure Omori's eating enough
-makes teasing remarks on you
-if you have a piece of food on the corner of your mouth, she'll take a napkin and wipe it off like if you were a baby


-You have 2 options
-1, have thanksgiving over Kels house
-2, get microwave dinners from the supermarket and turn on the thanksgiving parade at his house
-If you were to pick number 1, he'd sit next to you at the table listening to Kel talk while playing with your hand
-Aubrey, the scooter gang, and basil might come over and everyone ends up having a sleepover, watching thanksgiving specials until you all fall asleep
-If you were to pick option 2, you and sunny will eat the microwave dinners on the couch and cuddle up to each other under a blanket and watch thanksgiving specials


-You end up going over to Kims house
-after that, might drop by Kels house too
-may or may not have started a mini food fight


-You both help his mom cook
-and set the table
-After dinners done he just sleeps, saying you can join him if you want


-You have thanksgiving at his house
-his mom is delighted that you decided to stay
-so is sally
-his relatives visit and you have a big dinner
-you end off the night by watching thanksgiving cartoons and falling asleep at his place


-Really socially awkward
-afraid to ask for seconds
-Polly cooks casseroles and homemade mashed potato's
-afterward he might go outside and take pictures of the Autumn leaf's  

Captain Spaceboy

-All the space pirates have a feast with drinks and food!
-You all have a great time, the food was delicious and they played music
-you also played games! (bean bag toss, darts, etc etc)


-Has a grand ball with a feast for the occasion
-everything is just sweets
-diabetes on the table
-sweethearts happy, so ig you're happy too

Omori Oneshots and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now