"Ugh! It better be that way, it's a promise" I said, caressing the bone of my nose and extending my little finger to intertwine it with my father's and thus seal the promise.

"Are my words not enough my little crescent moon?" Dad responded pretending to be offended, as if the look I was giving him and the pout I had wasn't enough of an answer to his question.

"No" I answered without further ado.

Dad just laughed at my response and after pretending to think about it a little he intertwined his little finger with mine.

"Do you still remember what I taught you?" Dad asked as he stopped in front of a door, all mocking attitude disappearing in an instant and putting on a serious expression.

"I shouldn't steal food from the plate of the skeleton with the broken skull (Horror), I should stay away from the grumpy skeleton with a gold tooth and red pupils (Fell), I shouldn't talk to the guy who looks like black skeleton-shaped dust (Hate), it is forbidden to steal candy from the black skeleton with multicolored eyes (Error), I must not mention my cousin Lux or my uncle Dream while we live here and even less in front of the skeleton that looks like an x ​​with legs (Cross), I must not learn anything of the skeleton with black armor and red pupils (Rasp) and lastly I must not mention the name Papyrus in front of the hooded skeleton (Dust)" I mentioned counting on my fingers each of the things that Dad took so much time for me to learn.

"And the most important?" Dad asked me with his pupils fixed on me.


Most importantly, the reason I couldn't just run up to my mother and ask him why he wasn't with me all this time or why he didn't look at me the entire meeting.

"Mom has some memory problems so I have to pretend I don't know him..." I recited quietly but audible as if it were a phrase learned from a book.

Dad stroked my head gently, disappearing all traces of seriousness and forming a soft gaze.

In the weeks we spent together, Dad didn't leave my side for a single second, most of the time it was just the two of us while my uncle Dream and Lux ​​(reluctantly) had stayed at a friend's house for a while.

In that short time I learned many things, but despite everything I still don't understand how my mother can have such a bad memory that he forgot about me... 'Will he really remember me over time?' I thought crestfallen. When dad realized, he settled me better in his arms and hugged me gently.

"Everything will be fine, your mother will remember you over time and fill you with endless cuddles and kisses" Dad stated as if he had read my mind, putting more force into the hug but not enough to make it hurt.

My father kept repeating that phrase ever since he told me about my mother's condition, those words sounded nice but they always felt like the first time I tried the unsweetened coffee that Dad drinks, and that is not a pretty taste. The feelings I felt from my father and the words that came out of his mouth felt very different.

I still didn't know how to distinguish emotions well, but I could differentiate the good ones from the bad. Good emotions are usually of bright colors, like the lamp I turn on at night while bad emotions were dark colors, just like my books in the dark.

'It can't be that Dad doesn't want Mom to remember me... right?'

"I need you to take a little walk around the castle, someone will come to talk to me. No matter what happens, don't go near the office, can you do that for me?" He said, taking me down from his arms and making me forget my doubt. I was curious to know who he would talk to but I nodded to his question obediently "That's my boy" he spoke stroking my head "Have fun" he finished saying, walking through the door.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now