If he thought about it, he had no reason to hate taking a bath and his uncle Dream wasn't mean to him at all either, but...

In a certain way...

He felt alone...

Crescent understood that he couldn't monopolize all of his uncle's attention and yet, the simple fact of knowing that Lux had his Mom and he didn't made him feel lonely. One of the reasons he hated bath time was the fact that he was left to fend for himself in the bathtub while his uncle Dream lovingly bathed his cousin.

He had to admit that he himself had warned him several times that he could bathe without help but surely his real mother would have insisted a little more or would have bathed him even though he refused, just like he had done just now...

He didn't completely know what a real Mother should be like, having only as a reference how his uncle behaves with Lux or what he has read in various books, but there was one thing he was sure of, his Mom's presence was more than enough to make him happy.

"Is that a smile I see?" Killer asked playfully, poking Crescent's cheekbones carefully.

"Y-you're wrong!" He shook his head embarrassedly, pushing away his Mother's bony fingers while turning his head away.

"I'll pretend to believe you, Hehe" Killer replied, retaining his playful tone.

Having finished removing the traces of foam on Crescent's body, Killer proceeded to get up to take two towels from one of the shelves, leaving himself unprotected from the minor's counterattack.

"You can't catch me!" Crescent shouted, pushing Killer without much force and running towards the exit with nothing on and being wet.

"Wha-" Before he could say any words Crescent had already left the bathroom quickly.

"This kid..."

With no other option, Killer took the two towels and put one on so he wouldn't be running around the castle naked like the younger one, holding the other one for his future plans for when he will catch the elusive little mouse.


'Don't think you'll be able to escape my little naughty boy' Killer said to himself internally, thinking about how to corner him and end this game of catch.

Inadvertently, Crescent entered through the door that gave access to the kitchen and in order to catch him, Killer accelerated his pace and entered without checking his surroundings.

"Pfff-! *cough!* *cough!*" Someone was heard reacting, trying to take a breath in surprise, wiping some of the coffee he had spilled from his mouth with his hand.

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