"Care and appreciation?" I said sarcastically "You call wanting to force me to change caring and appreciation?" I looked at him in disbelief "Questioning how I feel towards my team members and wanting to convince myself that the emotions and memories I have with them are false is care and appreciation?!" I shouted angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth!" He shouted indignantly "It's not my fault those villains have washed your mind!"

"Washed my mind?" I could only stare at him without wanting to believe what he was telling me "All the stories I told you about them..." I spoke, approaching him at a slow pace "All the jokes I told you that they themselves had told me..." I stopped as I was close enough for him to hear me clearly. "Did you see them as a lie they created to wash my mind?" Color couldn't be stupid enough to believe that, right?

"Everyone talks about how ruthless and evil the Bad Guys are" he expressed very normaly.

"Are you forgetting that I am one of the members of "that" group?" I remarked trying to make him see reason.

Color just took me by the shoulders and looked at me smiling.

"You still have the chance to change..." He spoke softly "You can stop being evil and forget about that stupid King you think you are in love with" He continued speaking "I am completely sure that he is controlling your soul so that you think you love him, surely he only uses you to be his faithful subordinate and then he will throw you away like a useless puppet..." He came closer to me and hugged me tightly "He will never love you like I do" He whispered quietly in what was supposed to be my ear.

I quickly summoned a knife and stabbed it into his left leg, listening to him let out a muffled cry of pain as I moved away from him using teleportation.

"I should never have trusted you..." I expressed with the intention of leaving immediately.

"What does Nightmare have that I don't?!" He shouted desperately, slowly healing the wound I had caused on his leg.

"Do you want me to tell you?" He looked at me expectantly thinking that I would surely not say anything and I would remain silent.

I put away the knife I had in my hand and started counting with my fingers.

"Good looks, good physique, he is a ruthless killer just like me, he likes to see the suffering of others, he has good taste, he only expresses some of his emotions around us, he always takes care of us even if he denies it, he is not the typical fairy tale villain, his voice makes you fall in love, he is powerful and ruthless, I would definitely want to kiss him even once, even though he is a curmudgeon he has many good points and he will surely beat you in a fight... Do you want me to continue?" I proclaimed excitedly.

Color didn't know what else to say and just stayed silent, giving me the opportunity to leave that place, forgetting that I ever met someone like him.


So far today's chapter hoping you liked it!

What did you think of today's chap?

What is your opinion of Color and Science?

I forgot to mention that the book will have two endings, one good and one bad. Well, I didn't forget, I had simply mentioned this in a nomination that I placed in the original book which I didn't translate because I didn't think it was important, since they were simple questions, mostly personal.

At first it was only going to be an ending, which would be happy because I love happy endings, but a reader wrote to me how they would like to see a second ending where everything goes to shit. I like to see my readers happy so I considered the idea of ​​doing it.

I don't really like creating villains but every story sometimes needs one...

I won't say who it will be but I will just mention that one of them is the one who will cause the second ending of this book.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting in this book, without your support I would not have come this far!

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator and what i know about the language to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

Even though this is a translated version, I read each of your comments and take them into account. Remember, language is not a barrier, if you have any questions or concerns you can write to me privately and I will respond as quickly as I can.

With nothing more to say


1408 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now