Zephaiah (24)

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3 days later


I'm pacing back and forward in Andani apartment. We haven't said much to each other, since we left the hospital, and she won't really say much either, or to anybody, lately it been 3 words-2 sentences max. Jupiter been around here and there, and it's always somebody nearby. It's weird be watch, all that time, or more so anytime I come visit her. I refuse to leave her side. Definitely since she pregnant with my child. I wasn't prepared for any of this and we so late in life, the younger kids will say to be having kids of our own, I made it clear, I'm not leaving her side, and if she wants an abortion, I'm be devastated but I'm not leaving her side. I hope she knows, I really trust and love her. I still have no further intake on what's going on or what's wrong necessarily, just the name Charles triggers her a lot. Nobody saying much to me, or anything I should know and I don't want to pressure anybody into telling me so either. I called my boy Ozias and he said he do what he can. I think that's enough reassurance for me right now.

Anandi was released the same day, the incident happened so I didn't have to call off work and she was able to make it to her job on time. I'm scared to her mental health though. What's is going on in her bright big head. I also went into my savings to pay for her rent this month. I don't got it like that, or at least not this month, I don't, but I'll stretch whatever I can to make sure she straight, she be working so hard, it's the least I can do. Jupiter accepted it and thank me follow up with a congratulations. It's still surreal to me that I'm about to be a father in 7 months. When the doctors told us that she 2 months into her pregnancy, after the shock passed by, I was genuinely amazed and happy. The doctor also warned that she must get her blood pressure down. It's abnormally high, but they couldn't find any more problems.

Either way I was happy she was physically okay. The way she just passed out brought so much worry and confusion. I never want her, or I, to be that scared. Although I don't know what the fuck going on. I hope somebody tell me soon. Definitely for my sanity just as well as hers. How can I comfort her, and I don't understand the problem. I'm doing my best though. I come by her house, I get fluffy, whenever either one of us are at work later than expected, I ask my little sister to train and watch him. Thank goodness she a vet and able to bring my dog up there to her clinic to babysit. It been a month and a half now since I have been doing this, I offered to pay her numerous times, but she declined every-time, she always say to pay her back when she meets Anandi. I wanted her to meet her a while ago, but Anandi insisted we should wait. I'm respecting her wishes. Whatever my baby want, I'm do all I can do please her. I sat down and I looked at fluffy. Dude she still coop up in that room. I watch as fluffy stare at me and I pick him up. You're not really growing little buddy, we can ask tete Krystal why is that when you visit her tomorrow.

Fluffy tag wailed. I'm assuming he very excited to see her. I think I am too, fluffy, I can probably get some advice on how to help Anandi. Fluffy barked and I laughed. You sure know how to cheer me up little buddy. I hope I can do the same for you're mama. Do you think she like a little present. Come on little buddy let's go shopping. I stood up with fluffy in my hand now and knocked on Anandi door. I didn't hear an respond and I knocked again. Still no respond I knocked again. Nothing. I put fluffy down on the floor and twist the door handle. The door wasn't locked. I was bought to a sleeping Anandi. Awwn she looks so cute. I searched my pockets for my phone and when I found it I took a quick picture of her and made it my home screen wallpaper. My baby. I closed the door and looked around. Alright little buddy I'm need you to actually stay with mama okay. I bent down to where fluffy was and he wagged his tail excitedly.

Today you're on a mission. You're going to watch over mama door today. I'll be back later with some cheer up gifts for her. I think she like that. Don't you think so Fluffy? and he barked, and I placed my hand over my mouth. Telling him to hush. We don't want to wake up mama. Now I'll be back in a hour or two max. You be good and watch over her door okay. He extended his paw and I stood up impressed. Good boy. I went to the cabinet where the treats were and I gave it to him. I refilled his tray. Grab my keys and headed out. Lock the door and made sure my location was being shared with Anandi for sure, and off I went.

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