Zpehainah 15

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Day of the barbecue: very long chapter ahead and there will be a part 2


I'm at the barbecue. I had to park my car so far since everybody and their granddaddy, grandma, great uncles and furthermore here. The whole block is damn near full of cars and inside his house isn't any better. Somehow we still got room for more. I walked around looking for my uncle, he was by the grills cooking. There were so many people 5 grills had to be set out and everybody had their little station it was so cute. I said happy birthday and got him a card. I don't know the man like that to say anything more sentimental, but I didn't want to come empty-handed too. He kissed my cheek and said "why thank you niecey poo, I appreciate this, now can you tell Jupiter big head ass to come here." I smiled and told him "sure I'll just tell him to come by and I'm glad you like the card." He smiled, and then hug me.  During our hug he said to me.

"you have grown up to be so pretty, looking just like you're daddy."

I just smiled and walk away. I never knew what to say to them type of responses, and saying thank you, to what I don't really deemed an compliment ain't my style, but he also look just a little bit tipsy too. Nevertheless, on my way walking from him, I was looking for my uncle and I couldn't find Juju anywhere, so I asked uncle azi, who just so happened to be nearby and closer, to go and get uncle juju, but he said he don't know where Jupiter at and he not going to he looking for him either, he got to go get some more meat and bears. If I do find him tell him to cash app him 600.

I was going to tell him he could've texted him all that shit to him then, but he walked away before I even had the chance to fixate my mouth to speak. I decided to text uncle juju instead and relay the message that way since I'm talking shit. I felt somebody near me, and it was auntie Jalina, she grab my arm and kiss my cheek. "Hi Zephaniah, we need a little help in the kitchen, do you mind helping?" I smiled and said "No problem tete" and we walked out and headed to the kitchen since we were originally near the patio and the kitchen on the other side.

I just so happened to see alora, and she saw me and as she walked passed me and she smiled, "Hello Zephaniah, long time no see, if you need anything, please reach out to me." While smiling  at me, and about before I had the chance to say anything back to her, my auntie spoke. "I don't know who you is young lady, but I'm standing right here too, you might know my niece, but I'm this house, you speak to everybody, do you understand." As she crossed her arms around her chest and titled her head slightly to the side. Alora kept her composure and held her hand out "Hello I'm alora, excuse me, my deepest apologies for not clarifying that earlier to you also, but I work for Zephaniah, I'm her lawyer." with her hand still out my auntie just looked at it and looked her up and down. I decided now to take that's opportunity and say something. "hey alora, who invited you here?"

I wasn't trying to be rude but I didn't send an invite to her. "you're big bother Zaire did actually, and I didn't have the heart to say no to a good barbecue." I didn't say anything afterward but my auntie did. "if you work for Zephaniah, and only her then why is Zaire inviting you into places?"

"I mean you could've simply declined too. I'm stay out of it that's not my business, but I am going to have a small talk with Zaire. I looked at my tete and said "no need, it's okay, I'm assuming Zaire and she have been getting to know each other and I think that's good, honestly, I trust my big bother's judgment and he hasn't come to me about any worrisome concerns about her and she haven't breached our contact either so."

My tete rose her eyebrows and then looked back at alora. "You look very familiar. You're features. I have seen them before. "Alora started blushing and shook her head no. "please ma'am I'm very certain we never met before today, this is my hometown but nothing more than just a mere coincidence if you have seen me before or my features, and Zephaniah you are right, sometimes Zaire comes to me asking about legal advice over coffee, and nothing more, the last time we have seen each other was a while ago but he asked me to save the date to this barbecue, as stated before, I couldn't deny a good cookout." I smiled and my auntie stood there still puzzled. I wonder what she thinking. What could she know?

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