Zephaniah (4)

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Someone catches my eye though, the bus stop where the kids were picked up at now walking toward me, the closer they got the more confused I was until the human approached me. Torn clothes, hair in shambles, missing shoe laces, and black and blue vans on. The human smiled at me, teeth yellow and a few missing teeth but who am I to judge right? and I didn't know who they were either. Third-degree burns on their arms and a little on their ankles, since it was summer right now and they were wearing shorts. I stared at them in confusion, while my mind was going 900 miles per hour, and- my thoughts became interrupted cause their faint voice of theirs process to my ears.

"You have been crying a lot hun girl."

I didn't say a word. I just continued to be in shock. My thought starts running again, do I know them from somewhere? Do my parents know them? Is it my dad- the lady got closer, and an undescribable horrid scent encapsulates my nostrils and snapped her fingers to alert my ears, We were about 2 feet from each other now, instead of 5.

"You're just like you're daddy"

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, shit at this point can I be any more confused, and asked her "you're talking about my dad? Wait, no the real question is do I know you from somewhere?"

"I'm your daddy's sister. Hello niece."

"Sister?" I said back, not understanding who she is really like my dad got a sister? The lady snapped her fingers again.

"We can get a DNA test if you don't believe me, but I am your auntie, my name is Anandi, you're name is Zephaniah, your bother name is Zarie, your mom's name is Zaniah, My bother name is Jasiel but in these streets, they called him jay or boss. I wasn't in your's and you're bother life for a good set of reasons, but my brother, he-

I cut her off. "Ma'am all that information could've been a simple google search. I do own a large business. You are probably one of my many clients"- I grab my phone out pocket from my sweater and look at her again "yep, that's right, I'm calling the police and before I even got the second set of 1 and 911, the lady snatched my phone out of my hand and stood back.

I'm not expecting you to just accept me. Gotdammit, but I do ask and only is asking you to listen to me. A google search? child, does it look like I even have a phone? look at me, you kids claim y'all are so smart and are the dumbest ones and have the audacity to always judge me. In distress or not I'm not a liar. You have 3 aunties and 5 uncles. It was 8 of us. I'm the second oldest. First Jalina, then me Anandi, you're uncle Jupiter, you're other uncle jabre, Your aunt Adelisa, then it was you're dad jasiel, then javi and azi, the twins.

I stood silent as she continues to tell me about this unknown ass family tree, accidentally zoning, in and out of what she is saying and her smell ain't helping the situation either, the only one I recall is uncle Jupiter, my dad and him were like best friends. They even ran the drug lord together, absolutely un-separable. Uncle Ju, be watching over my mom, he said that was my dad dying wish and he owe it to his little brother to make sure it's done. We tried so many times to bring her to my program but she refuses. My uncle didn't pressure her cause he ain't leaving the drug lord title nor fame, no time soon either, we can't save them all, hun.

So when do you want to get this DNA test cause I have more than enough free time on my hands, and I can tell you a little more, whatever you want to know sweetheart. I called you and you're brother's dreams, so y'all can expect my arrival. Remember that falling mirror. I was the mirror-

BITCH WHAT?! The what? Are you doing voodoo on me now? Who the literal fuck are you, you're deadass a lunatic. I CANT BELIEVE THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW, yo funky ass got the audacity, YOU fucking bitch- I continue to yell at her and then realize my phone is in her hands. I snatched it out of her hands and stand up with my hands across my chest now. Holding tighter on my phone. I'm beyond pissed. My bother still sleeping, I guess but some neighbors came outside their houses and watch everything plays out.

I am your aunt. Calm the fuck down and watch your language, I can explain myself but you need to listen to me. If you only listen to me-

"Girl fuck you and you're illusions, my dad just died and you sent voodoo as you're arrival to me and you want me to be cool with that. Claiming you know my uncle ju too, you probably just my uncle slut and learned about my daddy that way. I am sick and tired-" and a slap went across my face. The sting lingered and I sat my phone down, and we got to fighting, somebody was holding me back I'm not sure who though, she yelling, I'm yelling, and an neighbor came by to help break us up from fighting, he who was holding her back, yelling at us to calm down before they call the cops. The lady stood still and the neighbor let her go but I was a screaming mess "let me the fuck go, completely unknown to who grabbed me but u kept yelling "I can't believe my uncle right now, this motherfucker set me up" "THIS MOTHERFUCKER SET ME UP" the person didn't stop holding me though, just very calm and relax voice "calm down" "calm down" this voice dosen't ring a bell but its sexy. I calm down. I look at the lady and told her to get off my property right now. The strange woman who calls herself anandi shook her head. A tear fell down her face and she turned around, walked forward.

The neighbor shook his head no and walked to his house and I turned around. This tall man, had to be at least 6'3, nice growing beard and lightskined and tattoos on his arm and on above his v line since he was only in his gray basketball shorts it said undefeated. The man smiled at me, his teeth was a little yellow but I didn't mind, when I kept examining him he had theses beautiful set of gray-blue eyes, a cute little button nose and small freckles on his face. The stranger was built and I mean extremely muscular. When he tired to explain himself I strung my shoulders, not really a trying to hear shit else, I thank him but also told him to get the fuck off my property and he chucked and said okay.

" If you need any more assistance ma, I live 2 houses down from here." I shrug my shoulders and looked at a cracked phone, fuck, I mumbled to myself and when I looked up he was walking to his house. I looked back at my phone and called my uncle.

"UNCLE JU WHAT THE FUCK YOU SET ME UP? Who the fuck is anandi?"


Did he just hang up on me?

Did y'all enjoy the chapter, I think I did my shit with this one yessir. I'm about to take a nap I'll see y'all in the next chapter xoxoxo cece 😂🤍.

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