Zephaniah (11)

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Time skipped to a week later.

I'm back at my work office, and Aaliyah my assistant is acting strange. I started looking for a therapist, and I concluded that I need one, maybe I should do family therapy instead, but I'm not sure. As for my company, there wasn't anything I notice that was off from the time I was gone. It was in better condition than I left it in, to my surprise but, I am very pleased with it. The cover report had outstanding results. There were 10 new clients on my roster. I should also start hiring more people to even out the share-load. As for Aayiah, the work was great, but her mood and focus aren't all the way here as it was once before, she also avoids contact with me unless we are in a staff meeting. I know all my employees, I made sure I built a connection with all my staff members, and me and Aaliyah have the closest one, or at least I believed we did. I can't focus, something have to be bothering her, I called her into my office.

When she arrived inside my office, just as expected, since I got back she has been avoiding me. "hey girl no need to be nervous, I just want to talk." Aaliyah didn't say anything, all she did was close the door and sat on my guest chair, and then played with her hands. See this, that's what I'm talking about, truly strange behavior, usually, she is more..... comfortable I guess, that's what I'm trying to say, but if that's the case, am I making her nervous? I didn't say anything further and just let her continue playing with her hands. My phone rang and it was my brother. I answered cause they are familiar with each other already and there was no reason for me not to answer. I have shown her the caller i.d but she was still playing with her hands. "Aaliyah girl look up," I said and she did. A small smile creep on her face and she looked back at her hands. I answered and he was just asking me what I was doing I said "About to have a quick meeting with Aaliyah, and then finish more paperwork. To my surprise then he asked if he was on speakerphone and if was she near her phone.

I said no for both and he said okay. Afterward, he asked to take me to dinner later today, and I said sure. He said that he bring Uncle Jupiter and Aunt Anandi. In this past week alone, we have been getting to know her and we both like her. I agreed and told him to text me the location and time and we said our goodbyes and I started small talk with Aaliyah. "Hey so, I just want to say thank you again for the amazing work you did for me while I was gone, and I am very pleased and impressed with everything you covered and was able to finish. I also apologize again for my outburst from just putting everything on you, for a week and some days at that. I will give you better notice beforehand next time. My sincere apologies again." While I'm talking, she still haven't said a word or looked up from her hands. "Do you want to come with dinner with me and my family today?" and that was the one that got her reaction.

I raised my eyebrows as she spoke. "I sincerely appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline, and also, it's no problem, grief hits us in different ways and the least I could do in showing my support for you was make sure you had something to come back too, the staff and I worked hard to excel in this company and the future of it. So I can't take all the credit." I smiled and then asked her "Hey is there anything else you want to talk about, like do you need to take any mental health days yourself?" she shook her head no and that was it. I couldn't think of anything else to say. "well then, I appreciate it and you, I think that's all I wanted to speak about, you're dismissed from my office Aaliyah." nothing else was said between us and she left. Even though she left the room I was left with thoughts of pure confusion.

Aaliyah pov.

When I got back to my office. I close the door and sat down. Ugh, I feel a headache approaching and decided to call Zaire. Straight to voicemail. Maybe I shouldn't decline the offer to come since Zaire has been avoiding me since the day I agreed to the threesome. Typical fuck boy behavior. I took a pregnancy test a few days later, and it was negative. I'm going to take another one again later today, cause it might just be too early to know. I don't necessarily recall if he had a condom on the whole time and I just want to be sure. I also need to schedule a doctor's appointment to run some tests, I know I'm clean but are they? Even so, this ain't the time to question that shit. I'm still making the appointment. I did talk to Alora though. When she told me she was indeed pregnant, I was shocked and ashamed. We are all betraying Zephaniah, and I know for sure she going to fire me whenever she does find out. So unprofessional and completely disrespectful and if I was in her position I would fire her too. I have a little boy of my own, my little 2-year-old. So I gave all the advice, I could to alora situation.

I stared at myself and my baby Aziel on my phone wallpaper. My favorite little human. His dad is a cool man, we don't have any problems, and co-parented well. We were once married but after he started his truck driving business and was always on the go, it was stressful and tiring for me. I filed for divorce after months of pleading with him to please listen and pay attention to me, and at the time, the only thing he cared about was his business. I know he loved me at one point, but he found his true love in his company and I couldn't allow myself to be second to anybody, most certainly not to their career either. To both of our surprise, a month later, found out I was pregnant with Aziel. From what I thought was just the flu was indeed my little one. I continued with the divorce though. We were only married for 2 years before I gave birth to Aziel. I was devastated to see it end, but I was happy to let it go. If my mom taught me anything was to never stay where you are not happy, don't work or fix it either. If it was to make you happy, it wouldn't give you space to be disappointed.

I wouldn't know what to say or how to tell Zephaniah that I did such a disgraceful thing. I was invited to my friend's birthday party and since me and my ex usually spilt the days with Aziel it worked in my favor to go to her party, which was on Friday. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays I have Aziel. On the other days, my ex will have him. My ex is more traditional than most, but he is also not strict with it. He's very gentle with our son. My ex-business started blooming, when I was just about 6 months pregnant, although we were divorced at this time, he made sure, I didn't work my whole pregnancy, and he started working from home to make sure I didn't work or just to have somebody there, anything I needed, he made sure I got it, and we started discussing the results after Aziel turned one year old to who would be the primary custodian of him. Other than that we didn't have any contact outside of just Aziel. We agreed I'll have full custody but he won't have to pay child support if he gets him majority of the week, since he has more traditional views and beliefs towards how our son should be raised and I had no objections to it. I got my own place when Aziel was 1 and 5 months old and have been there since.

Anyways, when Friday arrived, I got to the party, after greeting the birthday girl, and saw Zaire and Alora there too. We were talking, and then talking went to take some shots, and a pill Alora gave me and Zaire, I can't remember if she took it herself too. Which lead to us getting an Uber back to Zaire's house, to us fucking like hyenas on Zaire's bed. Literally in that order. I-despite how much I hate to feel this, I enjoyed it well. I regret everything though. I got myself a Uber back to the birthday girl's house to get my car. Luckily, my car keys were in my purse. I respect Zephaniah I do. Although she is 6 years younger than me, she doing 5x better than me career-wise than I am and in everything else in life too. Despite the heartbreak of losing a parent, her bounce back is amazing. I truly adore and respect her but sleeping with her brother will for sure contradicts itself. I truly don't know how I'm going to keep my job after this. I should be able to find something though, I have a bachelor's degree in business and somebody always hiring. I unlocked my phone and started looking for jobs on Indeed. Sometimes you got to stay ready so you don't have to get ready. I should probably put in my 2 weeks. I feel that's way better than just getting fired. Until I quit, I decided I'm just going to keep my distance, not right to be in her face knowing what I have done.

My bills have to still get paid and my baby and I have to eat. So I'm hoping the lord's grace be on my side and at least all this unfolds when I have a new job.

Hi guys, how are you, me personally, still trying to recover from writer's block so updating everybody else story might be on hold anywhoooo

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Hi guys, how are you, me personally, still trying to recover from writer's block so updating everybody else story might be on hold anywhoooo.
Did y'all like hearing Aayaiah's back story?
I thought it would be a good idea to add her side of things before everything fit the fan.
What do you think is about to happen?
is she about to lose her job??
Custody of her baby?
Do y'all think alora is planning against the siblings?
What are your overall thoughts on everybody?
Share, share, share, comment, comment, comment!<3
To all my readers: a very huge!!
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
See y'all in Janice's interviews :)

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