Zephaniah (15b)

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Heyyy lovelies, this chapter is going to be extremely long, just a heads up so read this whenever you got time and I hope you enjoy.


"Somebody call the fucking ambulance!" Is what I heard but I just fell to my feet. Nothing to what I heard change the fact to what I seen. I didn't think my past would've caught up to me like this. Why is everything fighting against me.

Flashback- 15 years ago

"So what you trying to do then fucker!" I yelled at Neil, he didn't say anything he just stood there, as the snowflakes drop on his nose, and his hoodie. He Is beautiful, but I'm not tolerating this shit no more. I was walking away and he yelled.


I turn back around and yelled.


I walked up to him and smack him across his face. As he held his hand across his cheek, I didn't let that phase me, I kept talking. "I just had an miscarriage and instead of being there for me, you're trifling ass go out and slept with my cousin and you have the audacity to say don't do what! I push him. "We are done Neil and this time for good." Neil extended his arms out to me and I folded. I cried as we stood in this cold, but I was so angry the cold didn't phase me and his body heat and cologne is distracting me. I was expecting him to apologize and said he get his act together, that he would be the man I need and deserves to have, but he didn't, when he let me go he said.

"Alora, you have you're whole life ahead of you, I know for certain you're going to become a lawyer.  You're going to find you're husband, you're going to have 3 kids and be successful overall. The dream we set for us, is actually set and present for another man, I'm glad I was able to do my part for the meantime. I don't want to hold you back, and I'm not going too, I will never change and I'm not about to lie to you that I am. I am too deep into this shit and I got so much debt to pay off. It's so bad, my dad even had to join into the gang to help out. I know my flaws, and I'm not going to change them for you Alora.

"You're pussy real good, but that's all you're really good for to me. I can die right now and that wouldn't heal you're broken heart any more then I caused beforehand. You're not tied to me, we lost that baby for a reason, let's just move on and if we cross paths again, I'm always down to fuck, or whatever but cmon now, live you're life.

I let go from his embrace and smack him again. "that one was for our baby, you deadbeat bitch, but I hear what you saying Neil. I appreciate that. I will do everything I need to do and prove you and everybody else I was right all along. I will succeed. He grab my arms and smiled. "Alora I love you, I truly love you, we not breaking up cause I don't love you, we breaking up cause I'm not the man for you."

I wiped my tears from my eyes and whispered. "I know Neil, and because you're a lying cheating bitch" and I walked away. This time he didn't call me and I didn't look back. I went to my dorm room and blasted drake and jhene song from time on repeat for 5 hours. My roommate nowhere to be found but I'm glad she not. I need this time to myself. I kept mumbling to myself "where did we go wrong, we was together for 3 years, what did I do wrong."

End of flashback. 15 years present.


I walked out the kitchen and went to the living room. I looked out the window. I just wanted to see if more people were on their way cause we were about to sing happy birthday soon, when uncle juju came in the kitchen to bring another batch of
chicken he said he was about to lock these doors. I was expecting to see people. I was expecting to see cars pulling up with gifts in their hands. I was never expecting to see my mom holding my bother, the scarcity in them streets and my mom crying and yelling somebody get an ambulance. I started crying and called the ambulance to my uncle house.

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