Zephaniah (23)

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Two months later.


I just got done with physical therapy, and my mom and I are siting down and just chatting. I love the fact we getting closer now. The doctors say I can be release soon and I'll be with my mom or of course Jupiter. Unfortunately she wasn't able to get into Zephaniah recovery program but she did find one and she been making great progress. I and Alora haven't spoke since she barge her ass into this room, disrespect me and left. The conversation replays in my head here and here. The police haven't had to much luck finding whoever did this to me, but they said that Alora not remembering anything is strange, they believe she lying. They can't prosecute her yet cause, there no solid evidence she was the one who planned this attack on me or truly have any reconciliation of what happened. Since I also don't remember anything up to when I told Alora to stay in the house, they keep hitting dead ends, but I'm just glad it didn't turn into a cold case yet.

As me and my mom was talking, I asked if she been able to contact, Zephaniah and she said no. "But I did have a few dates with Anandi, and she been in active communication with her, she said that Zephaniah will come around eventually, just have hope and understanding."I shook my head yes and laid back in the bed. I miss my sister so much, I can't believe, I did all this,we going through this. Damn ma, it wasn't supposed to be us. "What did you mean by that son." I looked at her. Ma,when you left us, which believe me ma, I don't hold it against you anymore, but we made a pack, a promise with dad this wouldn't happened to us, this wouldn't be us. You never had siblings, and dad hoped really hard, that we don't be like his siblings. All of us holding on pain and despair. We could've been  resolved better decades ago. Now he dead and I broke my half of the promise. Alora was just an distraction to me. I couldn't cope with the fact he left and I used her to ignore it all. I felt a tear fall. My mom grab my hand. I looked away from her. I miss him so much ma. I heard some sniffles on her end, but nothing else was said between us.


Ight everybody, thank you for coming into attendance today, please sign you're name on the blackboard and y'all gone ahead with you're day. I watch everybody leave and signed, but Iron he waited. I even watch his son leave before he did. The second to last person was leaving and that's when Iron got up and before he left something told me to tell him to hold on. So I did. Yo Iron can you wait up, I want to discuss something with you real fast. The look on his face. I only seen in people who guilty of something. Damn Jupiter going to love this. I might even get a promotion. "Yeah man wassup."
I pointed to the seat he was just sitting at. After a big sigh he sat down and I sat across from him. I'm glad they was able to find you're son, I know I'm late to everything but I been going through my own shit, to you know, check in with you so I thought this the best opportunity to do so. I watch his every move. He interlock his hands and looked at me.

"Yeah he been going through a lot rn, but I'm glad he safe." Going through a lot? I asked and he gave a chuckle."Yeah this girl, he been talking to lately, just been taking up all his time, and money, demanding shit all the time." I rub my chin, yeah bro, I remember juju saying we can't have our woman here, and shit, but you know how them bitches are, want all your time and shit, I mean Jupiter should know firsthand.

Brea been taking all his time lately. You can barely get a conversation out that man without him checking to see if Brea texted him or called. When a man get pussy whipped like that it's doom situation for a fat minute. I'm kind of glad they back on good terms though, Brea did mean a lot to him, shit all of us. You remember her don't you. I see a smile.

"Yeah I remember her well. Reminded me so much of my mom. Remember when I joined, and how she was always under Jupiter. That's the best representation I ever seen of love in my life. They definitely cared for each other even a dead man could see it, then she stopped coming around all together and that fucked Jupiter up for a while."

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