East P.O.V

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January 2021
Atlanta, Georgia

I've been in da hospital since last night. When I got to her there was blood comin from her head, mama rushed off to go get help while I stayed wit her. They took her into a room which mama wasn't allowed in but someone kept coming out to update us every few seconds. Fortunately she's going to be okay, she has a mild concussion, a bruised rib, a sprained wrist and some bruises. Aurora hospital room door opens and mama walks in comin over to me.

"Here baby." She says handin me some coffee.

" She says handin me some coffee

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"Thanks." I say takin it.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest." She says.

"No I'm fine." I say while takin a sip of da coffee.

"They said it might be a while until she wakes up." She says.

"Then I'm going to stay until then." I say.

"Okay, I thought you might wanna know that Josiah's X-ray came back. He has a hairline fracture which isn't major, he just has to wear the cast for a month or so." She says.

"Okay, I'll call and check up on him later." I say to her.

"The police wanted to talk to you but I know how you are so I told them to come back in a couple of hours but they did talk to Alexis." She says.

I go to say somethin when the room door opens and everyone walks in.

"Wat the fuck happened?" Breeze ask rushing over to her lookin down at her.

"Wat the fuck happened?" Breeze ask rushing over to her lookin down at her

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"I don't know." I say to him.

"Wat do you mean you don't know?" Brooklyn ask me.

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