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My alarm went off at the usual time. I got home Saturday night and basically slept through my whole Sunday, so now it's Monday which means school.

I really don't feel like going, but it's not like home is any better, so I get up anyway and walk to my bag on the floor to get dressed.

Surely I'll still look as bad and fucked up even when I do fix my hair, so I don't even make the effort to do so.

Grabbing my bag on the way down, I run down the stairs and immediately to the front door, forgetting my skateboard.

Guess I'm walking to school today.

It took a good 20 minutes, but I made it to school. I honestly don't feel like talking to anyone. I don't feel like doing anything.

I enter the tall building and hurry over to the lockers to store a few books. Carrying the weight of so many books is so exhausting, they really want us to get back problems, don't they?

"Karl!" An excited voice yells behind me. I sigh dramatically and close my locker, walking to wherever my feet lead me.

It's not that I didn't want to talk to Sapnap, which I didn't, I'm just in no mood to talk.

"Karl?" Sapnap questions, catching up to me and walking besides me. "God! You walk so fast!" He exhales loudly.

"You good?" He asks. I don't think he's seen my face yet, considering he's not freaking out. Guess wearing Sapnap's hoodie with a large hood is quite useful after all.

"Karlll" Sapnap annoyingly whined. Can't he get the fucking hint?

"Why are you ignoring me.." he lowly asked, tone getting more upset. I don't want to upset him, I just want some alone time.

"Karl." Sapnap grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking.

"God! Can you not be fucking quiet for a goddamn second?!" I unintentionally yelled out.

Sapnap's face dropped. He looked like he was about to cry, but he didn't. I immediately regret yelling at him.

"Sapnap I.." I mumble, reaching out for him. "No no, it's okay." He said, wearing an ugly fake smile.

"Sap no- I swear I didn't mean to.." Sapnap shook his head again. "No I'm sorry, I don't want to annoy you!" He smiled again, his STUPID fake smile

"Sap I swear I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I got ahold of his arm, gently clinging onto him.

"Karl, it's fine." Sapnap says, pushing me harshly with his elbow, pulling his arm back to make me let go.

It wasn't his intention, but his elbow hit my stomach, sending an unbearable pain through my whole torso. God dang..

I grab to my stomach, sinking in as Sapnap walks the other way, unaware of what the fuck he just did. I'm not blaming him, but I am mad.. in a way.

Carefully holding my torso with one arm, I struggle to the library, the only silent space in the school. I find a table in the back and sit down, basically sinking into my seat.

Closing my eyes, I clear my mind and pretty quickly I dozed off, asleep.

I wake up by a gentle hand caressing my cheek. I don't open my eyes yet though. I do once I feel a cold type of cloth touch my face.

Infront of me is someone I know all too well.


☆addicted to you☆ Karlnap♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora