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"You're such an idiot" I mumble with a small chuckle.

I wake up in Sapnap's bed, I expected him to be in there, but he wasn't. Judging by the amount of light that shines through the small gaps between the blinds, it's still night.

Rubbing my eye, I reach over, finding Sapnap's phone. I turn it on, getting blinded by the sudden bright light.


It's still early, so where's Sapnap? I sit up and pause, making sure I won't get dizzy when I stand up. Swinging my legs to the side, I get up and walk towards the door.

Hesitantly, I open the door and step into the dark, chilly hallway. Sapnap's room is much more warm compared to the hallway.

Unsure who's still sleeping, I decide on staying as quiet as possible, walking down the stairs.

Sapnap's house isn't the biggest house I've ever seen, but it's still big and confusing.

I tiptoe downstairs and enter the kitchen, expecting to see Sapnap there, grabbing water or a snack.

But I didn't. The kitchen was pitch black, cold and empty. The freezing floor underneath me didn't feel satisfying to walk on. Not at all.

Shivers rush over my spine, goosebumps covering my whole body and skin.

I'm getting a weird vibe from this place.

Maybe it's cause Sapnap is basically missing?

A small sigh escapes my mouth, I walk back to the hallway on the bottom of the stairs, debating on going back to Sap's room or exploring the rest of the house.

That's when I see the front door open. Has it been open the whole time?

I walk towards it, feeling the cold air hit my face. I step outside and look around in an attempt to find Sapnap.

And surprisingly I did. He's sat on the porch, on a small concrete step.

Quiet enough that Sapnap doesn't hear me, I approach him. He doesn't seem to notice me behind him, so I simply sit down next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

Sapnap's head shoots up in my direction, tenseness in his shoulders leaving as soon as he sees it's just me.



We sit in silence for a few minutes, I don't want to immediately overwhelm him with my questions, and I guess Sapnap thought the same.

"Why are you awake?" Sapnap breaks the silence that formed minutes ago, seeming to be hours.

"Why are you out here?" I ask in return, not answering his question.

"Fair enough"

Silence fills the air once again, an awkward silence rushing over us this time. I'm honestly lost for words at this point.

"Are you alright?" Sapnap asks out of the blue, suddenly facing me and staring into my eyes. "What?" I ask with a gasp like chuckle.

"Nothing, it's just.." he mumbles, not seeming to be able to form any words, not like I can either.

"I heard something." He confesses. Okay? What on earth could he have heard about me. At least I'm guessing it's about me.

"About who?" I anxiously ask, a scared smile forcing itself on to my face.


Nothing can get me anxious besides my dad and people I care about hearing rumors about me. Now, the rumors aren't all true, but I'm still afraid of losing people over them, especially when they're not even true. Though a lot of them kind of are.

"Some kid at the party told me and Dream that you sold them drugs." Sapnap coldly says, facing forwards again, unwilling to make eye contact.

"What?" I stumble over my own voice.


Okay, I get this looks really bad, but I actually do not sell. I buy them, steal them, but don't sell nor give them to people. They fucked me and my family up, so I can't let them fuck someone else's life up.

I know they can just get it from another seller, but not everyone has strong shit like I do.

There a ton of rumors about me involving drugs, alcohol, sex and crimes. Some of them are, like I said, true, but ones involving me selling shit are not.

"Karl?" I hear Sapnap's concerned voice, pulling me away from my thoughts. "Right sorry, what did you say?" I mutter, I never wanted to get up and walk away as much as I do right fucking now.

"Is it true?" He asks, slowly turning head head and looking at me. "No" I answer, facing my lap. Apparently this didn't satisfy him though.

"Karl. Look me in the eyes and tell me if it's true or not." Sapnap demanded. His voice was harsh and cold, like he thought I would sell to his family or something.

Hesitating, I still look up and stare into his beautiful eyes. "I do not sell drugs." I say in one breath. I'm not actually lying, but I still feel the anxiety as if I'm lying.

Sapnap doesn't reply, instead he just faces in front of him again, neglecting whatever conversation we had.

"Who told you that?" I ask, not intending to. I quickly face down again, seeing Sapnap look at me in the corner of my eye.

"Uhm.. I thought he said his name was Brad.." Sapnap whispers, still scanning my whole face, and he's not sneaky with it either.

"Sorry, I just wanted to know" he faces down this time, looking down at his sock covered feet.

"Do you not trust me?" I blurt out. Great. That's just the worst thing to ever ask someone. Obviously he doesn't trust me, God I'm so stupid.

"I do," he mutters. What? "I guess I just.. I've been carrying the doubt for a while so I wanted to ask." He shrugs, facing forwards again, seeming to want to change the subject.

"So you don't trust me?" My mouth moves without my brain telling it to do so.

"Excuse me?" He exclaims, looking at me again, though I still don't face him. "Clearly you don't trust me if you think I would do that, if I'm even capable of doing so." What the fuck am I saying?

"Karl.. I didn't-" he starts, but I cut him off. "It's alright." Is all I can say before getting up and going inside again. It's not that I went inside to avoid him, I just got cold.

I get that Sapnap believes those rumors, I really do. I also understand that he doesn't trust me, obviously I also don't fully trust him. But for some reason it still felt like a punch in my throat to hear that.

If I could, I would've continued the conversation, talked it out and made up with him. But my lips and overall body was freezing and I didn't feel like arguing in the freezing cold outside Sapnap's house. Who knows if Sapnap wants to kick me out when he gets mad? I'm not staying outside while it's like this.

After some debating, I end up deciding to just go back to sleep and either forget all this or gaslight myself into thinking this was all just a stupid dream.

And I do so, I get back in Sapnap's bed and snuggle into the pillows and blankets. It didn't take long for me to fall back into a heavy sleep, not noticing when Sapnap enters the room again.


Hey guys!!

Okay, so don't attack me for mistakes, this has been written like 2-3 weeks ago already so I honestly barely remember what I write lmao

School started again and stuff so I'm a bit more busy than I was during holidays (obviously)

Updates might be less regular and stuff cause I'll write less, but for the chapters that's already written and done will be added ever couple of days!

Thank youu!!

Buh bye lovelies! You're perfect, loveable and very much loved!


☆addicted to you☆ Karlnap♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora