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"You're not related to Helen Jacobs, are you?"

That's my mom. I'm not sure what she does or did in her free time. All I know is that isn't not any good.

"What's wrong with him being a Jacobs?" Sapnap asks. His siblings have their heads down and all his dad can do is smirk. "Why does everyone here know something that I don't?" He says, slightly raising his voice.

"Baby, do you know what your mother does for work?" Sapnap's mom asks me. Do I? I shake my head slowly.

The nice lady sighs and turns back to her dishes.

"Oh come on! You guys can't do this and then not tell us shit!" Sapnap snaps, standing up. "You sit down, young man." His dad says, his smirk faded already.

Sapnap obviously hesitates, looking at me what I want to do. I eye him to sit down and he does so immediately.

He looks down at my food and then at me. I simply shake my head and continue drinking my juice.

"Your mother is a hooker." Sapnap's father suddenly says, receiving weird looks by everyone. "James! You cannot say that!" His mother says. "I definitely can Nicole, the boy can know what he's growing up to be." Sapnap's dad, or James, replies.

"What the fuck?" Sapnap yells, standing up. His dad yells something back, getting more yelling from Sapnap. I don't listen to their fighting any more.

Me? A hooker? No.. Nononono! I can't. I don't do those things, do I? Is it that I move too fast? Oh god, did me and Sapnap move too fast? Am I a hooker now? Does he view me as one? Ofcourse he does, ofcourse he thinks I'm some sort of prostitute now! I'm not...  Am I? No. He doesn't like me like that..

"Karl!" Sapnap shakes my shoulders. His face Is all up in my face and he looks red, not from blushing, how I like him, but by anger.

"You okay?" He asks in a worried voice. I hear Sapnap's dad angrily talk to his mom in the background. His brothers seem to already be gone.

I can't seem to find the words to tell him I'm okay, not even to tell him I'm not okay. Cause I'm not. I'm definitely not okay.

Sapnap's dad starts talking to Sapnap again, but Sapnap ignores him and keeps his eyes on me. Why would he want to look at me? I understand that is dad is ugly but why would he want to look at me rather than him?

"Can you shut up?" Sapnap snaps at his dad. As soon as he finished his sentence he regretted it. His eyes filled with fear.

I get all my strenght left to get up and pull Sapnap out of there while his mother stands in the way of him and his dad.

What the fuck have I done.

Where do I even take him? I pull Sapnap outside and walk. I don't know where I'm walking, but I'm walking. I don't have shoes on, but Sapnap does. I did take my shoes though, they're in my hand that's not attached to Sapnap, I just can't find the thought to put them on.

I didn't realize I'm crying till Sapnap stops us and wipes my tears.

"I'm so sorry-" I mutter, trying not to let out any more tears. "You're okay." Sapnap whispers, taking my head and pulling me close. "We're okay."

We hug for a while. I'm not sure where we are, we're at the edge of a forest. I'm not sure how I led us here, but I don't care right now.

"I'm so sorry for ruining your breakfast with your family I-" I start rambling again, "Shut up." Sapnap whispers into my ear, resting his head on my shoulder.

"You're okay, Karl" he starts rubbing circles on my back, calming my nerves down.

I relax more into Sapnap's embrace, knowing I'm safe, knowing he doesn't hate me. Yet.

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