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I rest my head on top of his and admire the clouds Infront of me.

I quickly pull Sapnap onto my lap and lift him up. I try to carefully wrap his legs around my waist and let him rest himself on my chest.

I steadily grab Sapnap's thighs and stand up, lifting him with me. I feel the rain already pouring on top of us.

I carefully climb down back to my window. I feel Sapnap wrap his arms around my neck as I climb back into my room.

"Sorry you had to carry me down.." Sapnap mutters when I put him down on my bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I don't mind. Didn't want you to get sick too" I shrug and turn around.

"Are you hungry?" I say, noticing my bag in the corner of the room, still filled with the food I stole.

"Kind of. If it's too mu-"

"Shut up" I interrupt him, grabbing my bag and walking over to sit next to him on my bed.

"Take your shoes off, you can sit comfortably. I don't mind what you do" I say, sitting criss cross applesauce on the bed.

I watch Sapnap take off his shoes, mimicking what I just did.

I open my bag and put it between us, Infront of me.

Sapnap just stares at the amount of shit is in there.

"When did you buy all this?" He asks in disbelief.

"Few days ago. Just grab whatever you want. Grab everything if you feel like it, I don't care" I take a monster and open it, taking a sip.

I watch Sapnap hesitantly grab a large chocolate cookie I didn't even know I brought.

I take another sip of my monster, just watching Sapnap enjoy his cookie.

Sapnap looks up, we lock eyes for a second before he grabs the can out of my hand and takes a small sip.

"You never had it before?" I ask as he retrieves the can to my hand.

He shakes his head, offering my a bite of his cookie. I take a small bite, covering my mouth with my hand while I eat.

Sapnap looks through the rest of the stuff in the bag. I got some more snacks, croissants since it's the only good thing I could find, more energy, cola and more cigarettes. He finds a wrapped lollipop which he opens and sticks in his mouth.

"I won't give you a taste of this one" Sapnap chuckles as soon as he catches me staring. I smile lightly, still watching him.

"God I'm already tired again" I whine.

Sapnap lifts the backpack off the bed and places it on the ground next to him. He replies to my confused face with giving me a small smile.

He grabs my shoulders and gently pulls me towards him.

"What are you doing?" I giggle.

"Shh, just lay down" he whispers, laying my head on his lap, making me lay down.


"Sh! Just sleep. Don't worry." He reassures me and brushes his hand through my hair.

I didn't think alot out of it and just fell asleep.

When I woke up I felt comfortable, but not safe. I slowly open my eyes, getting blinded by the smallest amount of sunlight entering my room.

I look around to see I'm alone again. I look down and see Sapnap's hoodie he wore when he visited me. Did he change me into this while I was sleeping?

I just shrugged it off and reached for my phone.


I look towards my bed side table and notice a small sticky note laying on top of it.

I grab it and squint my eyes to read it.

I had to go sorry. Call me when you wake up :]

I giggle at the silly smiley and sit up, nearly hitting my head.

I open my phone and look through my contacts, dialling Sapnap.

It didn't even ring twice before he picked up.

"Hi!! Did you sleep well?" Sapnap's excited voice beams through my ears.

"Yeah I slept fine" I mumble, still not fully awake yet.

"Sorry I had to leave so abruptly, I had to go home. I tried not to wake you up, guess I succeeded" Sapnap giggles hit cute giggle.

"You are a huge sleep talker though. You kept talking about some guy not sure who. And when I left you basically begged me not to go until I pushed a pillow in your arms" Sapnap laughed.

Hope I didn't mention his name though.. I know I sleep talk I just didn't know this much.

"You should stay in bed at least tomorrow though. You're still kind of sick" Sapnap's worried tone returned.

"I will, thank you."

"Shit, I have to help my mum. Talk to you later!" Sapnap says, hanging up.

"Bye.." I mutter back.


I just wrote chapter 15 and 16 and y'all are NOT ready for this shit‼️

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