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I just wanted a small TikTok break and now I'm bawling my eyes out cause of a ff1970 edit 😭

It didn't take too long before I fell asleep again without waking up through the whole night.

I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up with texts, calls, voicemails and other notifications.

I grunt and reach for my phone without turning around. I unlock it with my face recognition and scroll through all the notifications I got.

17 missed calls from Q

34 messages from Q

4 voicemails from Q

7 missed calls from unknown

14 messages from unknown

2 voicemails from unknown

6 Instagram messages

2 Twitter uploads

I grunt and click on Quackity's messages.


Are you late again?

Are you skipping or late?

Dude just tell me so I won't wait


Are you okay?

Karl come on

The messages are delivering just reply

You're not ghosting me again right?

Karl I'm worried

I gave Sapnap you number

He desperately wanted it

Karl you're not..

You're not doing stuff again are you?

Karl please I'm getting worried

I didn't read the rest. I didn't want to.

I click on the messages from unknown.


Hi Karl! It's Sapnap I asked Quackity for your number if that's alright :)

Karl are you alright?

Quackity said you're not responding to his messages

Can you at least reply to say if you're okay?

Karl, please?

I'm worried about you

If you're skipping can you at least tell me?

I'll skip as well then

I'm asking Quackity for your address

I'll come over in a bit

Hope you're okay

Quackity said to climb through the window

Please tell me you're alright.

Almost there.

What? Is he really that worried or is this just cause of the stupid babysitting thing?

My attention sprung to the window. I heard a small tapping noise and then a creak, meaning the window opened.

I roll over to view Sapnap climbing through my window, a sight i never thought I'd see.


"Jesus Karl! Are you alright?" He runs over to me and places a hand on my forehead.

"What the fuck did you do?? You have at least a fever if not worse." He exclaims, sitting on the edge of my bedside.

I try lifting myself up slightly, keeping steady on my elbows.

I look at Sapnap ranting how worried he was that I didn't reply to him nor Quackity and how he panicked that something happened.

I didn't exactly pay attention though, I just looked at him thinking why he could possibly care so much.


Short one sorry!! My hand is kind of cramping for writing 6 chapters in a row lmao

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