Chapter 12 ~ Another baby?

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The next morning, Victoria walked back and forth in the hallway, listening to the sounds of her heels hit the ground. She was nervous about later that day, when she and Louis divorce, but she had to think of a way to ruin his reputation. "maybe I could tell them he was a slave." She thought. Victoria cared about people too much, and thought that might be too cruel. "I have to do that anyways," She went to her closet, and looked through all the dresses Henry got for her. "Maybe I'll wear this-" She took out a dark red, and black dress and black heels.

Helen came in and helped her put the dress on, "Why do all the nobles and high rank people of this empire have to come watch the divorce?" Victoria asked while Helen helped her slide her arms in the sleeves. "Its always been like that your majesty," Helen stated "It might sound invasive, but its the law of this empire." Victoria sighed, "King Henry will attend...right?" "Yes your majesty, he confirmed today." Victoria stared at her reflection in the mirror and smiled.

"Hmm.. Is something going on between you two?" Helen asked with curiosity while applying make up on Victoria's face. "N-no.." Victoria stuttered. "Really? Your blushing." "I am not!" She stated and got up from her seat. "I will get going now." Victoria left her chamber's and went to the flower garden, where she was met by Anne and Louis.

"Cousin!" Anne squealed as she ran over, "Louis got me pregnant again! Can you believe that!!" "Congrats." Victoria smiled, pushing past the two. "Why aren't you happy for me?" Anne pouted "I'm your cousin after all- you have to be happy for me!" "Shall I bless your baby? To show that I am happy for you?" Victoria asked, her heart beating fast with anger and rage. Anne nodded eagerly. "May your baby have a short life, and may you perish along with it... Have a good day," Victoria walked away as Louis grabbed her wrist. 

"That was rude you know," He uttered "This is your own cousins baby- be happy for her." "Define happy," Victoria glared at him, "I'll be happy for you both after that child dies.. That is if your even pregnant," she scoffed, "Your probably lying right now." "I AM NOT!" Anne screamed, swinging her arm to slap Victoria, as Victoria grabbed her wrist. "I'd advice you not to do so," She uttered, while twisting her arm and pushing her forward. 

Victoria walked away, trying to calm down from what happened, as she immediately bumped into Henry. 

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