Chapter 2 ~ Tea party

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"What is it that you would like to discuss with us your majesty?" Duchess Valerie asked, as Victoria sat down in her seat. "I need help finding more allies here in Europe," the Empress stated, as she picked up her glass tea cup. "I thought you were going to discuss this with his majesty," Lady Raya stated, while she grabbed a biscuit. "This matter is something his majesty does not need to worry about," "I heard from one of the palace maids that he cheated with Lady Anne," Duchess Valeria spoke, as she fanned herself with her hand. "Yes he did, but I can't divorce him right now," "Why not?" Asked Princess Isabella, "Rumors will spread about, and if they will, I'd have to find a lover first," Victoria stated, nearly choking off of her warm chamomile tea. "That's understandable," Lady Raya added, "We would be more than happy to help you in any way your majesty," Duchess Elaine stated, "Thank you all, now lets enjoy this tea and biscuits before they get cold"

Back at the palace, Empress Victoria quickly went back to her chambers, with only one thing on her mind which was to get Anne kicked out the palace, but how?Emperor Louis immediately entered her chambers, "So I heard King Henry invited us to a ball he's hosting tomorrow." He uttered, "Yes, he is, and he requested that we stay at his palace for 2 weeks," Victoria replied, while taking the pieces of jewelry out of her long, silky, blonde hair. "We can do that, if that's alright with you," "Don't act like you care about what I want to do," Victoria spoke harshly. "Why do you always bring things like this up?" Louis snapped, as his dark, emerald color eyes stared into Victoria's. "I was just trying to be nice, good lord Vikki," "-Maybe this could make her feel guilty-" Louis thought, as Victoria sat on her day bed. "What ever happened to the Louis I knew? Victoria asked, as her voice trembled, "Wh-what did you do with him?!"

Louis stared at her blankly, "Its your fault I'm like this you know," He muttered, "If it is..then divorce me already," Victoria pleaded, "You know I can't do this..." "DIVORCE ME PLEASE!" She begged, as Louis glared at her, "Stop begging like a dog, that's so unlady like of you," he stated, and left her chambers. The Empress got up, and wiped her fake tears, as she sighed "Well that didn't work," she chuckled, she got up and walked outside, and she spotted Anne and Louis walking together outside. She smirked, and went back inside, "Helen!" She called out, as Helen came running to her, "Ye-yes your majesty?" "Tell Lord Kelson that I wish to meet with him tomorrow morning." "Yes your majesty," Helen spoke with out hesitation and left Victoria's presence. "He must know what his wife has been doing here," She thought, "But he's also abusive- welp who cares." 

"Lady Anne wishes to see you, your majesty," Sir Delvin called out, "Let her in." Anne entered the Victoria's chambers, and sat on the couch across from her. "His majesty said he'll soon appoint me as his mistress," She squealed, as Victoria picked up her kitten, "I couldn't care less Anne," "But you should be happy for me, I escaped from my Abusive marriage," "And you found your way here, into MY Palace, this place isn't for someone," Victoria stated, "What..what do you mean?" Anne questioned, looking at Victoria innocently, as she sighed. "Oh, I would tell you, but I won't, I hope you do bear the Emperor's child soon, and live a happy life," Victoria smiled, "Aw, thank yo-" "If you do try visiting me again, I will have you killed," Victoria stated, harshly, as Anne swallowed hard, "Yes your majesty, thank you," She got up and left her chambers.

As Helen entered, "What was it that you refused to tell her," Helen asked, as Victoria chuckled. "If Anne can't bear his majesty a child, or if she has a miscarriage, she will be tortured and killed for being that way," Victoria smiled, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lady Helen asked, as Victoria grabbed a sheet of paper and pen, "We're thinking the same thing..."

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