"No...I have something to talk to the boss..." I responded somewhat shakily, removing my hand that I had raised out of habit for a brief moment.

"Are you OK?" Dust asked this time, entering the conversation "I notice you're a little discouraged" he added worriedly.

"I'm fine, I'll just be a moment..." I responded, faking a slight smile.

Dust and Horror finally left, not very convinced about leaving me alone in the castle, while I stayed in that large empty meeting room.

"I have to make sure" I told myself determinedly.


Killer walked through the corridors of the castle towards the nightmare office, indeed finding him there doing the normal paperwork alone.

"What are you doing here Killer?" The nightmare asked with his sight immersed in the paperwork, without having looked towards the one with black sockets.

"I need to talk to you...N-nightmare" Killer spoke nervously, stuttering on the last word.

"It must be something important if you called me by my name after so long" Nightmare pronounced, stopping his review of the paperwork and placing his full attention on Killer.

"Did you kidnap that child?" Killer asked seriously.

'Why does everyone think that?!' Nightmare thought screaming internally.

"No, I didn't kidnap him" he responded in a tired sigh.


The uncomfortable silence that originated in that narrow office was felt, wanting to be broken by the King of Nightmares without knowing how.

After several minutes Nightmare opened his mouth to speak and break that silence but was interrupted by the assassin's voice.

"H-how..." a faint whisper was heard from Killer "How did you come to have a child?" He finished that sentence by turning his gaze to the side and squeezing his left shoulder with his right hand.

"Do I have to explain to you how babies are made?" Nightmare replied sarcastically feigning disinterest.

Upon hearing those words Killer felt a small pain in his soul, biting his lower lip (?) hard, knowing that the person he gave his first time to was with another person without any impudence, that was painful.

"How could you..." Killer was heard speaking again "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" He shouted, unable to bear to compress that anger inside him anymore.

"What are you talking about?" Nightmare asked, frowning.

"Weren't you the one who said, "I WOULD NOT HESITATE TO KILL THAT PERSON WITH MY OWN HANDS" when I asked you what you would do if someone showed up saying they were expecting your child?!" He shouted the last thing very angrily, raising quotes with his fingers as he repeated the same thing that Nightmare had said some time ago.

"What did you expect me to say?!" Nightmare answered, raising his voice.

"I don't know?! Maybe the opposite?!" Killer replied back, growing angrier.

"I'm a skeleton who has lived more than 500 years without having a partner. DO YOU THINK I would believe the first person who said they were expecting my child?!" Nightmare answered, also starting to get angry.

"WHY DID YOU ACCEPT THAT THAT CHILD WAS YOUR SON THEN?!" Killer continued yelling angrily.

"BECAUSE I COULD PROVE THAT HE WAS!" Nightmare shouted back.

"YOU'RE TELLING ME" Killer said, placing his hands on the desk and bringing his face closer to Nightmare's to confront him head on "THAT IF I BROUGHT EVIDENCE MAYBE MY B-" he reacted immediately, covering his mouth with both hands and backed away quickly, realizing what he was going to say.

Nightmare stared at him waiting for him to finish that sentence, which didn't happen because Killer immediately left the office, closing the door forcefully behind him.

'It didn't turn out as I expected...'


So far today's chapter hoping you liked it!

Two chapters in a row. What do you think of that?

Things will change little by little as the plot progresses and we are almost getting closer to the Spanish version. Only readers of the Spanish version know if that is good or bad for all of you...

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting in this book, without your support I would not have come this far!

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator and what i know about the language to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

Even though this is a translated version, I read each of your comments and take them into account. Remember, language is not a barrier, if you have any questions or concerns you can write to me privately and I will respond as quickly as I can.

With nothing more to say


1303 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now