Chapter 33- The Unknown

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Songs for this Chapter~
Gilded Lily- Cults
So Cold- Ben Cocks
Show Me How- Men I Trust
I comply with my father's order and walk behind him. We enter another room. It has an examination table and dark gray and black walls. A desk filled with different tools and materials was placed beside the gray metal examination table. My fight or flight responds quickly. I bolt towards the door and Darius is right behind me. I run as fast as I can. My father screams my name, "Atlas!" My heart pounds against my chest. He catches up to me, tackling me by the waist. He snickers, saying,"Nice try, but not so fast. Daddy hasn't finished with you yet, boy." I struggle against his arms, swinging my arms around in the air and trying to kick my legs. I keep trying to escape his grasp and I start to scream. My father says, his grip on me tighter, "Stop screaming." I only scream louder. My father drags me by the waist back to the room. His face is indignant as he pushes me into the room. He says, "Take off your shirt." I stare in terror, "What." He says it again and says, "Do it." My hands shake as I do what he says. My father takes off his belt and hits me across the back. He does this in rapid motions. I yell at the stinging of the belts imprinting on my back. I finally hold up my arms against the belt's next blow. Finally, stopping, Darius implies, "You can either cooperate with me and get on that table or I will put you there myself." I stare at him with an intense gaze and answer, recklessly,"No matter what you try I won't give up." I rasp, "I will continue to fight with you. I won't make this easy for you. And I am the king if I ever get out of here I will tell everyone about you. " My father growls at my response and kneels down into my face, "If you do that, I will hunt you down. Depending on your cooperation today, I will debate on letting you go back to your duties later today so it doesn't make you being gone suspicious." Darius smiles and questions me, "Still ready to be disobliging and defiant?" I consider listening just to fulfill my desire of freedom. I anticipate he could be bluffing to get what he wants but I realize I don't have many advantages or disadvantages at this point. I remind myself to breathe. I hear myself say, my voice shaky, "I'll- I'll agree to your conditions." Darius speaks back, sounding delighted,"How excellent. We will start in just a bit. I'm going to get something to drink. You sit  for a bit. Don't try to pull any stunt." I tell him I won't and pull my shirt back on and wait.

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