Chapter 19- Sanctuary

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He grabs my face in his hands and kisses me. He presses me gently, his hands like feathers, against the wall, and kisses me in slow motion. His kisses are everything. So gentle. Soft. Slow. Everything. His kisses are everything. So, so, effortlessly beautiful are these kisses. His mouth is warm against mine, our clothes drenched from the water, our two bodies intertwined together as one. Atlas says, "Hold your arms up, my little princess." He whispers, "Can you be my little princess? Only mine?" I nod against him. I could fall asleep the way he is so gentle with me. I let him throw my dress on the floor away from the shower. I struggle taking off his shirt buttons, "I've decided I hate your shirts now, Atlas." His laugh is so adorable, "I'm sorry my shirts are being so inconvenient to you right now." He helps me with his shirt after ten minutes of us laughing hysterically over his dumb shirt. Atlas throws his shirt over his head and throws his on the floor and god... he's actually..... muscular. Like- I thought he was muscular already with his black shirts and pants but- this is different. His arms are strong yet gentle. I stare into his eyes and he wraps his arms around me and I feel so secure in his arms, so safe. His arms are nothing like the man who attacked me so suddenly earlier tonight. I want to tell him this.

I snug against Astrid and she says my name, "Atlas?" I kiss the top of my head, "Yes, my princess?" Astrid says, "When I'm with you... I feel safe. I feel invulnerable in your arms." I don't say anything for a moment. Then I finally nudge her softly and say, "Look at me." I tilt my head up and I say, "Astrid, I'm so glad you feel safe with me. Because.." I pause and breath in, "I love you." I keep going, "I love you so much that when I see you my heart does this little thing. It acts like it's a bunny jumping around in a little field of flowers." Astrid snickers, teasingly, "What kind of flowers?" I laugh back and teasingly say, "Most definitely dandelions."

Astrid laughs, "Why dandelions?" I act offended, I cross my arms, "Hmm well

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Astrid laughs, "Why dandelions?" I act offended, I cross my arms, "Hmm well.... because dandelions are......pretty." She laughs again, "Really? That's it? Come on, Atlas! I know of much better flowers-" I say, "Hmm. Fine. What flower would you prefer, Princess?" Astrid jumps up and down in my arms and squeals, "Tulips!" I grin widely and say, simply, "Tulips." Astrid giggles, "Yes!" I say, "Okay. Fine. The bunny jumped in a field of tulips. Satisfied, my little princess?" Astrid says, "Yes I am." She says, "We may want to go back in the ball room now. I'll go back to my room and get some new clothes and if Mama asks just tell her I got sick." I sigh, "Okay." I don't know why my mind thought this moment would last. Happiness doesn't last forever, only in fragments. Happiness doesn't happen all at once. Astrid steps out and turns on the light. We can see each other better now. I turn bright red when I realize my shirt is in the toilet. I groan, "Oh god." Astrid just bursts into fits of extreme laughter. "You have terrible aim, apparently," she says, through her laughter. God, I can't even act upset. She looks so adorable and innocent when she laughs. I could sit and watch her laugh all day and I would never get bored. I pick her up and kiss her on the lips. She runs her hands down my back and kisses me back. Astrid grabs her wet dress and slides it back on. I say, "Wait." She stops, "Hm?" I say, "If someone sees you're wet they might get suspicious." I pick her up and she screeches, "Atlas- what the-" I say,"I'm going to carry you to your room so if someone ask i can say you were sick and that you threw up all over your dress and that you tried washing it off." She nods, "Ok." Astrid points to the right, "My room is to the right up the stairs three doors down." I bob my head. Then I carry her.

Authors note:
Hello, guys 👋 🤓long time no see hahah(it has only been two weeks but whatever) hope you enjoyed these two chapters I split up that were originally going to be only one chapter. I hope you also liked Astrid and Atlas in these chapters :) I enjoyed writing these and showing their strong love for each other and their cuteness overload throughout these chapters 🥰🥰

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