Chapter 24- Oblivious or Suspicious

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As I get to the gates of the Outsider's kingdom, the doors to my father's castle automatically open for me. Two soldiers stand at the entrance. They shut the doors behind me. Gradually, I realize that one of those soldiers were one of the same ones that Astrid and I told that she was sick. I don't know how or why  my father's soldier would be that close in proximity to the Other Side but it worries me slightly. The soldier approached me with a informal tone, "King Darius told us to tell you he wants a word with you when you arrived back, Sir." I don't show any sort of compunctious expressions on my face, I just tilt my head in his direction and give the soldier a farewell and he gives me a affirmative nod. I take a deep breath when entering. But inside, for one of the first times in my life since I was a kid I'm utterly terrified.
Atlas's POV
"Close the door," my father hissed when I entered his room. I shut the door in a swift motion and stand to the side careful approaching him. I can never stand to be in the same space as the sociopath for more than I must. My blood boils at just the sight of him. It's safe to say he wanted my mother to die. When she died he enjoyed it. Nightmares still haunt me of my own imitation of her death.

This man killed my mother.

He knew what war conditions usually were like. He knew the danger but still put her at risk. She was the most faithful wife a man could ask for. everyday I don't understand how a man can have so much hatred for a woman who he claimed he loved. In the present, my father says to me, "Why must you stand so far away, my son? Come sit." I swallow my feelings of repulsion and anger and other emotions and answer, not wanting to draw any suspicion to myself, "yes, father." I cautiously take a seat in front of my father. My father questions me, "So......Atlas." "Who's the lucky girl?" I look at him in the eyes and it takes everything in me not to blow my cover when I say, "I don't know what you're talking about." The king chuckled at my response and retorted accusingly, "Is her name... Astrid perhaps?" The way he says her name makes me nauseous. I stay silent until my father fiddles around with something in his hands. I stagger backwards in dismay and shock almost immediately when I realize what it was.

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