Chapter 2- Truce- or Dare

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After my meeting with my father, I frustratedly go to my room. I lay on my bed with black sheets and a blanket of which is black and has red rose designs on it. I scan my room taking in my surroundings and frown and get up when I see my window half way open. I think Someone has been here. Then I see the letter on my desk. It is white and has beautiful, elegant handwriting that reads:

Dear Atlas, Son of Darius, King of the Outsiders

We would like to call a truce. With you. Your father doesn't know of this and we would like to keep it this way. You see he is a cruel and thoughtless man. Doesn't think things through. He would not like calling a truce Well, we believe you are different than your father. We know this. And we want to know more about you, Atlas. If only you'd let us. So please, meet us tonight at 7 at Queen Freya's castle of the Other Side's entrance and we will discuss. If you'd like.

Anonymous? I laugh. Wow. Why anonymous? I wonder who wrote it. King Alaric himself? No that can't be right... could it? King Alaric of the Other side wouldn't write this.. This situation is all very funny now, really. I mean my father wanted me to spy again tonight. I like spying sometimes but I hate doing it sometimes as well. Tonight would be one of those nights. But.... I could go to this meeting instead. But if my father hears of this..... It wouldn't be good. I would be named a traitor. I can see it now Father Darius, King of the Outsiders, betrayed by his own son, Atlas, Prince of the Outsiders. I would never become king then. But i shouldn't help them either way. They killed my mother I think. Why should I make peace with some of them? Despite myself, I am willing to risk it. Risk my life for this. I take the paper and put it back into the envelope and fold it into my jacket pocket and think of what tonight will bring for me.

I wrote it. The letter. My father, Alaric, king of the Other Side, thought it would be best if I did since I am going to be at the meeting tonight, if Atlas shows up. However We weren't going to give my name out yet. Just in case. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up, despite my parents saying he was different than his father. I didn't believe it. I've met his father and he was cruel. I'm sure his son will be the same. They say they look very much alike but they act different. But we are all enemies so they must all hate us. Even though I don't understand why they hate us. What did we do to them? How did we even become enemies? Not that I care. I'm perfectly fine with this all. I grab a tube of a crimson shade of lipstick and apply it to my lips. To make me look intimidating of course. Maybe I'll scare Atlas off. I know he's going to be the same so why not try to scare him off? I look at the time 6:50 pm it reads. Perfect timing. I grab my black high heeled boots and head towards my door but stop at the door. I go back a bit when I see the reflection of my daggers on my mirror desk, and I feel my lips curl into a smile and I think Hmm maybe bringing my daggers wouldn't be a bad idea after all. I grab my daggers and head out the door.

Author's Note📝
So guys, I had chapter two ready about an hour ago and boom wattpad deleted it after I put the tags and finished it with a long chapter than this but I remembered some of it but not all of it so some pieces are missing but it's okay I guess :) enjoy the chapters though! Please share the story with friends and more! Follow my insta /lqvewarnette for more updates on my story and much more!🤍⚔️🥀

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