Chapter 31- The Wretched

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My father says, perfectly unharmed, and certainly enjoying my reactions finally says, "Ah yes, my son, we meet again alas. I've been looking for you for many days. I reply, with a bitter taste in my mouth, "Thanks, the feeling isn't mutual." He ignores the clear disappointment and agitation in my voice. I say, "Give me the towel." Darius starts to say, "Well you are clearly not suitable for your own good right now. So no. Give me your hand I'll do it. " A sense of questioning, uncertainty and yet after all he has done, a silent yearning for some comfort goes through me. Quickly, I snap out of my delusions and I roll my eyes, "This is stupid. Just give me the towel before this entire floor is a murder scene." My father has determination and authority written all over his face and I know he isn't going to let me have this my own way. Again, my heart starts to rapidly race in my chest. I calm my nerves. Hesitantly, I unclench my bloody fist and open my palm. He outreaches his hand and brings it to mine. The physical contact we usually have had in the past has made me feel nauseous and restrained yet the feeling of his surprisingly tender hands against mine is a feeling I've never felt before. Momentarily, i forget this is the same person who practically killed my mother, who hurt her and even myself at times. But right now, I can almost remember what he was like when I was smaller when he and my mother had married when I was like three. He is highly concentrated on my hand. He presses the towel around my bleeding hand. I groan in pain. I bite my lip and say like a small child, "It hurts." Darius replies, glancing at me and looks back down at my hand, "Just a bit more pressure and it should subside." I probably look so vulnerable at this state but at this time my emotions don't care. I say for the first time in years, "Dad..." His head snaps up, "Yes?" I say, reluctantly,"Why did you stop loving Mom.." Darius goes silent. Darius says, "Love makes you weak, son. I've told you this countless times." I say, now upset, "That's not why. You hurt mom. You hurt me." I continue, "Did you ever think about oh hey let's ruin the good relationship I have with my wife and son. Did you think about love when you were choking my mother on that night when I was six." I'm choking on my own tears at this point, "Did you ever think how much it hurt ME to have to see my father hurt my mother?! To have to shoot him for him to stop?!?" My lip quivers as I yell at him, "And to think that you are the reason I am going through a living hell right now. You started this war." I say, "I watched my girlfriend's mother DIE. I have lost my girlfriend. I never got to say goodbye to my own mother. Don't try to understand what love is and don't try to make me think it makes me weak." I am practically screaming now, "The only weak and pathetic one here right now is you." Darius doesn't say anything to me. He just listens. He says, calmly," I understand." Getting up he prepares us both drinks. He comes back and gives one to himself and me. He seem so calm not at all angry. I'm so disoriented and confused. I take a sip and a weird feeling surrounds me. Finally after a moment, he says, finally angrily, " I killed her mother. I killed Queen Freya." Everything slows. It's like time stops. My hands become sweaty my voice doesn't seem to work when I try to say words. I grab my throat. Its getting hard to breathe I can't breathe I can't-

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