Inktober Special: Plump

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More chaos quartet shit because i love them so much

I just realized that if anyone has been here like from the very start they will remember how i like literally never cursed um LOOK AT ME NOW-




Hey did i mention i love smashing watermelons

Like i could never do it cuz im ✨weak af✨ but i love watching people do it anime

I dont socialize

Woah no wonder i have no friends

Want some bread guys

*attempts to lure you into my house to force you to become friends with me and talk to me at random godforsaken hours of the night because im nocturnal*


Ps i wrote this on the verge of tears so excuse how the fluff is not fluffing

"Do you even know how to make dumplings?" Stina said doubtfully, eyeing Fitz.

The Telepath looked almost offended. "Yes? My brother taught me."

"Did your brother teach you an actual recipe?"

"Are you trying to accuse me of being an incompetent chef?"

"Basically, yes."

"We might as well give it a try," Wylie broke through the back and forth with a weak attempt at bringing peace to the room. "We're off training for the day, and cooking is a good enough bonding exercise."

Maruca raised her hand. "I have no problem cooking, but I definitely don't want to do it with Fitz's recipe."

"What is this slander?" Fitz sighed. "And it's Alvar's recipe, not mine."

"A Vacker's cooking is a very dangerous thing," Dex said, and everyone jumped. No one had noticed him enter the kitchen. "Biana made me a cake the other day," the Technopath continued. "It was very nice of her, but I swear I almost died eating it. Anyway, what were you thinking of making, Fitz?"


"Ohhh . . ." Dex leaned back through the doorway to speak to someone in the corridor. "They're making dumplings," Wylie heard him whisper.

A few seconds later, the Song twins stepped into the kitchen.

"Hi," Linh said, and then got straight to the point. "Let's not risk Fitz's recipe, I'll teach you."

Maruca cheered, skipping forward to grab Linh's hands. "Perfect! I'm sure your cooking is delicious, Linh!"

They ended up having a cooking competition. Lined up along the absurdly long counter of Inia's first kitchen, each elf attempted to make dumplings as best as they could. It had become a recipe comparison, so Linh kept her tactics entirely to herself, chuckling manically as she obscured the others' vision with a wall of water. Her brother did the same with shadows after he realized that everyone was trying to sneak a glimpse of what he was doing.

Wylie had to admit, he was stumped. Dumplings were entirely beyond his culinary abilities. He ended up with some kind of bloated monstrosity, half transparent with the stuffing hanging out. Fitz made something equally inedible, and they exchanged light grimaces, knowing the others would make fun of them.

Surprisingly, Stina's dumplings were alright . . .

. . . compared to what Wylie and Fitz had made.

One place above Stina was Maruca, whose dumplings looked like they wouldn't kill anyone, at least.

Dex's were a little odd (the outside skin was coloured different shades of red and yellow for some reason), but they proved to be delicious when Wylie tried one. Hopefully the effects of the possible food poisoning weren't slow moving, and he wasn't going to wake up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache.

The Song twins ended up sharing first place, both of them having made perfectly plump dumplings.

"Ouch," Maruca sighed, prodding at her dumpling. "That was an epic fail."

"You're ranked above me, what happens to me when you say that yours is an epic fail?!" Stina said.

"Hmm . . . If mine is an epic fail, then yours is a failure equal to what happens when Keefe tries to cover up the fact that he has a crush on Sophie."

"Well it actually works on Sophie, so I'll take that as a compliment." The Empath stuck out her tongue, flipping Maruca's words back.

"What's going on in here?" Marella asked, drifting through the doorway.

"We just finished making dumplings." Linh turned to greet her, a smile lighting up her face as she picked up her plate of dumplings. "Do you want one?"

"Mn." Marella nodded. She walked over to take one, but Linh surprised them all by putting one directly in the Pyrokinetic's mouth. If Marella was surprised, too, she didn't show it, and merely chewed it with a thoughtful expression. Once she had swallowed, she said, "That's delicious, Linh."

The Hydrokinetic beamed, like it was the best compliment she could ever receive.

Chatter rose up between them as they all tried out each other's dumplings, making jokes and pulling faces. There were a few elbow jabs, and Dex threw a handful of flour at Stina—which instantly escalated into a proper food fight.

Wylie leaned against the wall, glanced away from everyone else to look out the window. The view from Inia was beautiful, a sea of clouds seen through the rose-gold tint of the spherical shield. Through those clouds, sometimes you could snatch glimpses of the world underneath: rolling hills of green or crashing waves in blue.

It was such an unmatched view it could bring tears to one's eyes, even more so for Wylie as it reminded him of his parents.

The glass was cool against his forehead when it made contact with a light thump, and Wylie jerked backwards. He hadn't realized he'd leaned forwards.

"Wylie," a quiet voice said in his ear.

He turned and came face to face with Tam. "Yeah?"

The Shade offered him a plate of dumplings, just as plump as his sister's were. "Do you want to share?"

Wylie smiled. "Sure. Thanks, Tam."

Otherwordly extra: (this has nothing to do with MTE, it's just a side AU I made up)

"Fitz, your cooking is the best," Jane commented, her mouth full of the delicious dessert the actor had made her.

Fitz sighed. "Then why did you make me bad at cooking when you wrote the scene . . ."

"I swear, I have nothing against you," she said hurriedly, not wanting any of her cast members to end their contracts with her. "The viewers like to see it."

"Because they all hate me?"

She winked. "Exactly."

"Did you just wink at me?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"If you keep asking, I'll kill your character off."

Fitz was completely and utterly done with Jane.

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