64: Those Of Sedition

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Ok so I'm really sorry for starting the chapter off with this kind of thing

I just wanted to address this, I've been refraining from doing it but this morning I opened my notifications and there was a new one and I kinda just felt like it needed to be discussed

Over the course of maybe a month (roughly?? Probably more) a few people have commented about my update speed. Recently I have been updating more than usual, so I was quite surprised when I received one such comment this morning—and I believe I uploaded the new special on Friday. I understand that it's frustrating when you want to continue reading, and it might be easier to demand an update because I'm so frequently interacting with you guys, but I have not prewritten anything. I am not withholding chapters, and quite frankly it's hard to stick to my once a week schedule. I'm still a teenager and I have a busy life outside of online spaces. Despite this, I do have a schedule, and I try to update every week on Sunday as much as I can. I think it's a lot, considering how much time and effort goes into every one of these chapters—I don't record the amount of time, but I'd say at least an hour for the short chapters (plus editing) and god knows how long I spent writing Lakeshore Dyed Scarlet. I love MTE so much, it's my passion, but yeah

I don't really know where I was going with that

Uh one final note on that actually—I love it when you guys find me on other KOTLC fics that I've commented on, it's so fun and really i'm waiting excitedly for a day when people will randomly tag me in places, but a while ago I did have a moment when after someone found me they talked to me about my update

Like- I really love that you guys are as passionate about MTE as I am, but I think it's rather rude towards the author of that other fic.

Like I said earlier it's not very serious but I just wanted to point out that I do see all of your comments regardless of whether I reply or not

Sorry for kicking up a fuss over that lol

Anyway switching topics- I swear my writing style changes whenever I write about Jensi and Ferius and I don't even know why🤦‍♀️

"Where are we going, Ferius?" Jensi asked, gripping the edge of the ridiculous black top hat Ferius had insisted on giving him. "And why do I have to wear this thing?"

"We are, my dear young master Jensi," Ferius exclaimed merrily, like he wasn't walking through enemy territory in broad daylight, "going to meet some of the leading members of Black Cat Hunting. And the top hat is because our theme is old London."

"YOU HAVE A THEME?!" Jensi shouted, drawing some attention from the few people who were on the street despite how early it was. He lowered his voice to a whisper and tried again. "You have a theme?"

"We do indeed," Ferius hummed.

"Why is it old London?"

"Because it makes us feel as though we are in old London. Really, young master, the answers are quite obvious." Ferius himself was decked out in a full old fashioned human suit, a gold tipped cane in his hand.

Jensi groaned. Why on earth did I decide to plan a rebellion with this eccentric man?

They came to Rina Seilver's dress shop presently, Ferius rapping smartly on the door before he plunged in without a warning. Jensi followed, pretending not to notice how his companion ignored the rather loud CLOSED sign. The door clicked shut behind them.

"You're late, Ferius," Rina observed briskly.

The lights were off and the curtains were drawn. Jensi squinted in the gloom as they headed down into the basement. He flinched as bright lights glared at him, harshly contrasting the darkness above.

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