14: Rank Wars Begin Again Part 2

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Like I said, very messy. Also sorry for the delay in updating—I was rereading Skulduggery Pleasant because I finally got the 15th book. And I had to cram my violin practice because I started this new orchestra thingy.

Thanks for waiting.

Even after losing one arm, Jester was putting up a good fight. Practically the entire street had been reduced to rubble, the concrete littered with holes created by the ridiculously powerful attacks Jester kept throwing at them.

Alvar retreated beside Ruy. "This guy is almost as crazy as Helio himself," he muttered.

The Psionipath nodded. "I fought him once during training, and I'm pretty sure I got lucky when I won."

"So can I safely assume one of us is going down during this fight?" Alvar asked.

"Probably," Ruy admitted.

"I say you'll get knocked out of the round," Alvar declared. "If I'm wrong, I'll do anything you say for one day."

"Sure," Ruy shrugged. "Same for me, then."

[Boys, you're interrupting my concentration] Glimmer snapped.

"[I had no idea you could concentrate]," Ruy joked, circling around Jester.

A bullet hit the concrete a centimeter from the Psionipath's foot.

[I told you to stop talking.]

Ruy—wisely—shut up.

Sophie turned around, using the wind to keep propelling herself along the road as she fired a few shots at Emmy.

The Hydrokinetic laughed, dodging.

Sophie grinned back, adding a few fireballs into the mix.

Her plan was to run across the map, dangling Emmy as an easy target for Felix. Hopefully he would take a shot, and then Sophie could chase him.

She had a backup in case this plan didn't work as well: Glimmer was scanning the rooftops for any sign of the enemy sniper.

Alice glanced behind her as footsteps echoed across the top of the building.

Dressed impeccably in a fancy black and white suit, completed with a tie and black silk gloves, was Helio Sofian.

All the Guilds had outfits with their crests that they wore in battle. The Guild of Moonlit Shadows wore standard black wear and a long cloak with their symbol stamped in white on the sleeves: a pale moon.

Deep Sea wore varying shades of blue and green, with their shirts and miniskirts cut at odd angles. Their crest—a gun and a sword crossed—was displayed at the back of their shirts.

In comparison to both, Great Sword dressed like businessmen with white gloves and dress shoes. Their mark was a small, ornate G, embroidered onto the index finger of their gloves.

"Well hello there," Alice greeted.

Helio offered her a small bow. "As beautiful as ever, Miss Alice."

"You really love your empty praise, don't you?"

"I am deeply wounded." He drew his sword. "Shall we?"

Alice pulled out her own weapon, pointing it at him. "I'm in no mood to lose today," she warned.

The sound of metal against metal rang out across the rooftops.

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