46: When All Hell Breaks Lose

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Hello again!

I got my math test back the other day—and I actually got 16/100!!

(I'm super happy, because I started going to school, like, a week before the test, plus everything was a hundred times harder since there was a huge language barrier).

I got 50/100 on my art exam, which is definitely saying something, since I don't know how use a certain type of special paint that I didn't even know existed, or the names of different styles of painting in Japanese.

My English test went horribly, and I only got 82/100 (I'm so embarrassed, it's like grade three level). But I mean, I only got the Japanese questions wrong, so it's not so bad. (I'm talking about the 'change this word into Japanese' or the 'listen to this English sentence and write the answer in Japanese, but we're going to tell you the questions out of order, and we know that you have no way of knowing which voice recording is for what question, because you can't read the letters fast enough to match them up' or the 'this word has the exact same sound as another word that means a totally different thing but the kanji is different, and even though you can't read Japanese, we expect you to get this correct').

(This is just me venting, can you guys even understand it???😂)

But I mean, who expects Japanese people to pronounce 'Kenya' as 'keNIya'?!!!!

It's ridiculous!!! 😂

I will get my revenge in the test next week.

Well, setting tests aside, I think sometime around now, or maybe in another month or so, is the one year anniversary of Moonlark Turned Evil!

One year is such a big thing!! I cannot believe it at all!!

One last thing:

Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger at the bottom of the page🙏

Like all things, it started with a small ripple—the events that caused that day to be called 'first blood'.

For though it was not the first death in that war, it marked the day that the war truly began.

The bloody trail that the battles would leave across the pages of history started with one handshake, one agreement—and spiraled out of control, beyond imagination, into something so much bigger.

March Fifteenth, 2022, was a day that would forever be remembered.

[P-Premier! Are you seeing this?!]

Premier Zia Gordon narrowed her eyes at the screen in front of her, watching as various buildings in Edmonton burst into flame.

"Zoom in, please," she ordered, half-ignoring the voice over the call.

The person at the controls obeyed, and the live video zoomed in on the man standing in the center of the burning city, laughing as the fire spread around him. He remained unharmed, even though the flames were flickering across his skin.

"I can't believe this," Zia murmured.

[Premier?!] the voice grew more panicked.

"I can see it," Zia stated clearly, fighting to keep her tone neutral. She could not afford to let herself seem panicked, not when something like this was happening. "You may use anything you need to put that fire out. Cover it up in the news. Don't let a word leak until we know exactly what this is and why it happened."

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