16: Planning for a Dance

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"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Dex shouted, his voice echoing through the corridor and turning a few heads.

Sophie groaned, covering her ears as she shut her locker using telekinesis. "Shh!" she whispered. "I don't like loud noises!"

The Technopath watched her drag her feet past him with an amused expression. He fell into step beside her. "So, what actually happened to you? Did you stay up all night getting beaten around by a dinosaur or something?"

She sighed, straightening her posture and wincing as a muscle pulled in her neck. "Iggy kept me awake."

That was part of the truth. The annoying—but admittedly cute—imp had actually kept sleep from her grasp for a few nights. Add it to going to the Everglen two days ago and the missions the past two nights and she was practically a walking zombie.

"I feel dead," Sophie muttered.

"We definitely can't have that!" Biana announced, pouncing on her from behind.

Sophie cried out in pain—and shock—turning around to find the Vacker siblings standing behind her.

"The Foxfire dance is in three days!" Biana said. "There's no way I'm letting you miss that!"

"Dance?" Sophie asked.


That was why Gisela had said there was something 'important' coming up at Foxfire?

"To celebrate midterms," Fitz said, smiling at her from beside his sister. "For the people who passed."

Sophie vaguely remember the midterms—a week back?—where she had somehow managed to get through alchemy and had gotten pretty decent scores on everything else.

"A party without me?" Keefe complained, sauntering up to them and resting his arm on her head. He immediately jerked away. "Geez that's a lot of emotions, Foster."

"Apparently she's dead," Dex said.

"Dexipoo, my favorite boy!" Keefe ruffled the Technopath's strawberry blonde hair. "How are you doing?"

Dex jumped out of reach. "I'm fine!"

Sophie met Fitz's eyes, the two of them both silently laughing.

Biana broke the peace by saying, "So, Sophie. Do you have a date?"

All four of them froze.

"For what?" Sophie asked dumbly.

"For the dance you silly!" Biana laughed.

"Well, she's going with me," Dex said immediately.

"Uh, just saying Dexy but I think Foster might prefer—"

"I'm going single," Sophie said. "I don't need a date."

"Boooring," Biana said.

Sophie sighed. "I won't go dress shopping with you."

"No Sophie, bad Sophie, you're going to come dress shopping with me, Sophie . . ."

Sophie sighed.

The bell chimed.

"Aaaand we're all late!" Keefe announced cheerfully. "Who's going to be in the most trouble? Wanna bet?"

"No need," Sophie said. "I have Lady Galvin."

"So you guessed right?" Keefe asked as she dropped into the seat beside him in detention.

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