Inktober Special: Demon

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Not me making their residence a direct reference to the Gusu Lan clan bc WHY NOT

ignore how elves dont celebrate their inceptions and stuff

pretend that Fitz wasn't like the youngest person to manifest

Please fayn was a nine year old cryokinetic and Sophie had her telepathy since she was four this is not something new

*tries to cover plotholes with frantic mouth-running*

I can't remember when Fallon Vacker like retired and stuff, but ye this chapter is set like a hundred years before chapter one of MTE and a hundred years is enough time to decide to retire and then actually do it

I updated literally eight minutes before the 18th of december, shit😃

It was a month until Emissary Forso's only child, Oralie Mephora, was turning six. The elvin nobles were all waiting for their grand invitations, for the announcement of a lavish celebration.

The weeks dripped by, however, until there were only three days before Oralie's inception date, and there hadn't been a word from the Mephora's residence, the Cloud Recesses.

People began to whisper amongst each other.

"Perhaps something has happened to the young lady?"

"That would be terrible!"

"I can't believe Emissary Forso won't celebrate the birthday of his daughter."

"I met with him only the other day and asked after the young lady, and he barely seemed to remember who I was talking about!"

"Oh! How could he forget!"

"It's the truth, I swear it."

Rumours created and spread behind ornate fans and raised hands, the bored ladies and gentlemen alike gossiping carelessly.

On the day itself, there was a belated letter sent to every major household.

This year, we have abstained from celebrating the birthday of our beloved Oralie in the hopes of focusing on her studies. We hope any sullying rumours shall die down, and we thank those who have asked after her. She is as wonderfully energetic and brilliant as always.

Wishing you good health,

Emissary Forso Mephora.

Now that Forso himself had addressed the rumours, albeit in a roundabout way to avoid embarrassing anyone, the ladies and gentlemen refrained from saying anything else about Oralie's missed sixth birthday party.

It was soon forgotten, really.

The reason for the cancellation was truly too mortifying for Forso to admit. How could he say that it was because his daughter couldn't control her own ability a month after she had manifested?

Oralie had manifested as an Empath, and her special ability made her so overwhelmed that she burst into tears every couple minutes. It wasn't limited to physical contact—she could feel the emotions of everyone in the Cloud Recesses. Where any normal parent would've immediately hired her a tutor and tried to help her, Forso had insisted that no one do anything.

"She'll figure it out," he sneered. "I have more important things to do than coddle a child. Anyone is welcome to, of course—if you can get within ten meters of her without her throwing a screaming fit."

He was right. Oralie shouted furiously every time someone tried to approach her, and if you attempted physical contact, well . . . she tried to scratch out her own throat when her mother tried to hug her. Her Empathy was simply too strong, which was odd, since she was born between a Telepath and a Hydrokinetic. But then again, genetics weren't necessarily always the deciding factor in manifesting.

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