28: Twelve Councillors

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A chapter from Councillor Emery's point of view.

"Greetings, my fellow Councillors."

Councillor Emery's voice was smooth and deep. It was the kind of voice that commanded fear and respect. His mannerisms befitted his status as a high class elvin noble, his movements precise and graceful.

But that was only on the outside.

He was 'Midnight,' ruler of the black market and one of those people who enjoy pulling strings from in the wings. He liked setting up the play and watching the actors move as he ordered.

"Thank you very much for joining me at such a late hour."

He'd shaped the world into a game in the centuries he'd ruled, until he was joined at the game board by others.

There were only two rules, and a symbol that would be marked on your right shoulder if you agreed to participate.

Rule 1: There are no forbidden moves.

The players could do anything, no matter the cost or profit, as long as they got away with it.

"This meeting is for us to discuss our moves against the Kingdom of Mehmsia."

"I don't believe it calls for a meeting." It was Kenric, a Councillor with messy brown hair and an aversion to violence who spoke first. "We have no knowledge of where the Elys live, nor any information of their abilities in battle. It would be a suicide mission to attack them."

"Kenric is right," Oralie said, her fragile voice breaking through the room with surprising power. As an Empath, she worked as the Council's lie detector. "I believe we should deal with the Neverseen first."

"Why the Neverseen, Oralie?" Velia asked. She was a Guster, midly outspoken in her thoughts, but it depended on who you compared her with.

"What I believe Councillor Oralie is trying to say," Noland cut in, "is that as long as the Black Swan and Phoenix are allied, we have a low chance of defeating them. The Elys, as Kenric said, are too mysterious--which only leaves the Neverseen, presumably betrayed by the current members of Phoenix."

"If we are to go by the rumours," Zarina corrected. She was a Charger, usually calm, but there were moments when her anger exploded. "The only known Phoenix agents are Glimmer Rey Evans, currently guarding Linh Song, and Fayn Claudo, guarding Dex Dizznee. There is no proof that either of them have or had ties to the Neverseen."

Emery smiled to himself, resting his chin on his hands.

He enjoyed watching this play as well--the Councillors arguing over what to do.

In the end, of course, it didn't matter what happened.

But that was only his private opinion.

Each Councillor here would fight each other to get what they wanted--minus Kenric and Oralie, if it came to blows.

"We should rely on the Moonlark, Sophie Foster," Terik said. The Lost Cities' only Descryer, he was the one who read that very same Moonlark's potential when Alden found her in the human cities.

"Will she really help us?" Bronte asked skeptically. He was an ancient, his ears prominently pointed. People generally described the Inflictor as 'cold'. "The Black Swan has broken ties with us, and she works for them."

"Even if they've broken ties with us, they're still willing to cooperate with us to some extent." Clarette crossed her arms gracefully. A Polyglot and a Flasher, Emery knew she enjoyed schemes almost as much as he did. A shame she wasn't ambitious enough to reach past her current position as a Councillor.

"A good point, Councillor Clarette." Ramira, a Vanisher, chose that moment to break her silence. "He was very interested in working with us when he negotiated for the Moonlark and her friends to be assigned bodyguards. It's better to keep him as a pawn instead of killing him."

Oralie and Kenric exchanged a look, but remained silent.

The fools, Emery thought to himself. Sacrifices are required for the vision I am working towards.

Like Darek and Ramira, Liora had chosen to stay silent the whole time, measuring the room.

Emery lifted his chin and settled his hands in his lap. "What do you think, Darek, Liora?"

Liora was a Conjurer, her skin bronze and her long hair brown. She was level headed, capable of making difficult decisions in a short period of time. Emery valued her views--to some extent.

Hearing his question, Liora began to speak.

"The Neverseen is the wisest choice," she said, "but I believe the Moonlark will not be enough to destroy them. She has barely been trained in battle."

"I am of the same opinion, Councillor Emery." Darek, a Phaser, was similar to Liora. The way they presented their words and wove them together to create tempting masterpieces was quite a sight.

A knock on the door stopped anyone from arguing with them.

An embarrassed elf scuttled in and handed Emery a letter, bowed deeply, and left. Once the messenger was gone, Emery slit open the envelope and read through the messily written script.

He chuckled. "It seems Queen Ilith has turned her attention to the city of Atlantis."

Murmurs cut through the assembled Councillors.

Emery smiled as he crumpled the letter with one hand, tossing it over his shoulder. "Our next move with be . . ."

There was another joining the game.

Rule number 2: The game does not have a limited number of players.

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