The Flame of Ambition

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  Hawks was zooming through the floors of the falling building, using his feathers to catch civilians in danger.  He knew he couldn't save all of them, but he'd save as many as possible.  He just hoped Endeavor will be able to beat that Nomu, especially since he had just become the number one hero.  It would be bad if people saw him beaten right after All Might had been killed by a villain still on the loose.  Just then, he heard the sound of an explosion as the entire collapsing part of the building just broke to pieces.  Hawks was glad he was able to get himself and everyone else out of there in time.

  Endeavor charges at Hood and throws a right hook.  The Nomu, however, leans his neck back, dodging the blow, and then kicks Endeavor in the gut.   The blow launched the flame hero into another building, causing a crater to be in it.  He quickly, however, got back on his feet and shot many flame whips out of his fingers and swatted them all around.

  "Get sliced to pieces and burn, Flashfire Fist Hell Spider!"

  The move exploded the part of the building that had been collapsing and cut off all of the Nomu's limbs.  The creature, however, just had its neck bend backwards to look at the hero and smiled.  Its limbs instantly grew back and blasted at the hero.  Parts of its back morphed into jet boosters, making it move faster than Endeavor could see.  This caused the creature to ram right into him and bite into his side.  Endeavor just clenches his jaw in pain as he reaches down, grips both sides of the Nomu's mouth with his hands, and pries them open.  With the beast wide open, he blasts a torrent of fire straight in the monster's face.  Sadly, he didn't release that powerful of one, so the creature just shook it off and kept its charge.

  "Is that all you got, Hero!"  The nomu shouted.

  “Hardly you freak!  I’m just getting warmed up, and you're nothing more than target practice for me!” Endeavor shouted as he gripped Hood’s neck and blasted a torrent of flame point blank.

  The beast was propelled into the grounds, breaking asphalt and concrete as it landed.  Endeavor quickly pursued the beast, slamming down onto it with a jet propelled ax-kick straight to the head.  This caused the ground to crack even more as the Nomu screamed in pain.  Endeavor prepared to do another kick, but before he could, a bunch of tendrils burst out of the beast’s back, stabbing into the hero's shoulder and wrists as it tossed him aside.

  “Smell more heroes, don’t want more bother.  Stay out of way, only fight strongest.  Must distract,” Hood grumbled as its stomach split open, and spewed out 6 smaller, gray colored Nomu.

  Once Hawks saw the other monsters starting to crawl towards citizens, he zoomed over with two large feathers and sliced through them.  Sadly they didn’t do much damage but it got the creatures to focus on him.

  “Any heroes in the area, come help take care of the other Nomu! Let number one take care of the big guy!” Hawks commanded.

  Back in the air, Hood and Endeavor were still clashing, both had their hands clasped together, trying to overpower the other.

  “You are strong hero, despite being birthed by the perfect one.  Our father could have use for you.  Quirk is pretty, destructive flames.  Father make stronger, join us,” The Nomu gurgled.

  “I will never join you and your kind.  If not for me, than for All Might, our fallen comrade, and for the people I must live for in order to atone.  There are many mistakes I have made in my life, not one of them though will be to put you down!”

  With that declaration, Endeavor cocked his fist back, covered it in flame then punched the Nomu in the jaw, causing it to be completely ripped off.  The smell of burning flesh filled the air as the flame hero went for another blow.  The beast’s eyes filled with terror as it moved up, causing the hero to punch right through the monstrositie’s chest instead, making a perfect, singed hole.


The Nomu gazed down at the pro as it gripped the living furnace’s arm, and then regenerated its jaw and its chest around the hand.  The beast then pulled the hero closer, and with its claws slashed across his eye, making the hero scream in pain.  The Nomu’s rib bones pierced the pro’s fist, as it went to claw at his other eye.


  Endeavor wasn’t taking it.  He ripped his hand out, tearing his own flesh as well as the beast’s as he then made more flame whips with his other hand and wrapped them around the Nomu’s limbs.  The monstrosity though had more limbs spout out of its back and stomach as they charged for the pro.  Just before they struck though, the hero blasted upward, taking the Nomu with him.  He then spun around and smashed his fist into the monster’s face as the momentum pushed it upward, causing the blow to do even more damage.  The Nomu regenerated again in almost an instant and then blasted off, seeming to taunt the hero to chase it.  Endeavor knew though he wouldn’t be fast enough, but couldn’t give up so chased after the beast anyway.

  As they zoomed through the air suddenly Hawks appeared in front of Hood and slashed straight through its face.  The beast made a rawr as its arm enlarged and swatted the bird hero away as it kept moving forward.

  “Damm, I ain’t strong enough to really affect this thing.  I can match it in speed however, so I’ll send my feathers over to you Number One, you better finish this,” Hawks mutters to himself as a bunch of his feathers leave him and fly to Endeavor.

  Once the feathered made it to the flame hero, they combined with his heat and created massive wings of fire that boosted Endeavor to match the speed of the Nomu.  He flies straight into the creature and traps it in a headlock.  He then launches himself upward, high up into the air where no one can reach.  The Nomu keeps stabbing the hero with its tendrils and tries to pull him off, but Endeavor doesn’t let up.

  “Nomu, you heartless monster.  Your creator is an abomination on this society, and though you may view him as a savior, he is also a destroyer.  I will not let you and your kind bring your chaos onto this world, for in order to rise above to the hero I need to be, I need to atone for my corrupted past that made me like your kind.  So burn, and be nothing but ash.  Prominence Burn!” Endeavor ends with a shout as he surrounds both of them with a tornado of flames so bright and large, it couldn’t be compared to anything but as if looking at a supernova.

  Once the move is done, a smoking blob falls to the ground, and what rises from the smoke is Endeavor.  Injured and bleeding, he stands tall with the ashes of the Nomu covering him, and his fist held high.  All that can be heard is cheering from the crowds of people echoing through the news stations, as the new number one hero has triumphed over evil.

  Through the news feed, however, we now see a massive sludge beast staring through a television watching.

  “Ah, it seems Hood was destroyed.  That’s fine. It was only one of many.  Of course, he was the prototype, which is a bit of a bummer,” Nowhere King gargles to himself.  The lord’s ghostly green pupils change to an iridescent blue as his voice echoes.  “Report, Shigaraki.”

  (quirk: Transmit Voice.  The user is able to transmit his voice and the voices of those they know to and from each other.  Drawback: causes the user to have a sore throat if overused)

  “Master, we found him, the power All For One left.  We have found Gigantomachia.”

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