The Great Outdoors 2

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In the forest we see a young girl with orange hair dragging a classmate that has what looks to be a bubble for a head.  The girls name is Itsuka Kendou, the class representative of 1-B.  She is trying to hold her breath as the purple gas is flowing through the area and if she breaths in too much, will faint like her ally.  She can't really due that much though cause her speed is greatly reduced due to carrying the fellow student and her decreasing oxygen.  Just then though another student with grey hair named Tetsutetsu runs in wearing a gas mask and carrying other.

  "Kendo, here!  Momo from the other class made these and gave me some for if I find others!" Tetsutetsu shouts.

  "Thanks Tetsu, good thing she made these in time,"  Kendo states as she puts the mask on and puts one on her unconcious classmate.  "Now, lets get going deeper into the fog.  It's obvious that this gas doesn't affect the entire forest since Mandalay never mentioned it when she gave permission for us to use our quirks, which means a quirk is probably involved.  And look, the fog is getting thicker and accumulating that way."

  "Right, which means I just have to barge in there and punch whoever is behind this."

  Tetsutetsu then just started running forward without planning at all, and in the middle of the fog we see someone wearing an old army gas mask and a junior high uniform.  He seemed to be talking to himself while looking around.

  "It seems there are five people at the edge of the zone, and three, no two people coming this way.  I give them props for finding me, but really just charging in is foolish.  After all, unlike what we will be, they're only human,"  Mustard finishes his statement as he pulls out a pistol and fires into the fog, hitting Tetsutetsu in the face.

  The hero in training luckily turned his body to steel in time so it didn't kill him, though it did break the gas mask he was using so it made him have to hold his breath.

  Haha, that's what you get hero.  And I thought you were supposed to be smart,"  the villain mocks as he pokes his head.  "And no more surprises."

  He then fires a bullet in the direction Kendou is when Tetsutetsu jumps in the way to block the bullet, but it cracks his skin in the process.  Mustard keeps firing rounds at him, making his body crack more and more.

  "Keep standing there pathetic hero, sooner or later one will finally pierce through your body and it will be over........Oh, it seems the other's coming at me from behind."

  Mustard dodged out of the way as Kendo tried to punch him.

  "Ha, your really thought that would hit me.  Don't you know anything, I can sense where you are."

  "It doesn't matter where you know we are!"  Just then her hand expands in size, hitting Mustard in the side of his head.  She then turns her other big as well and starts waving them around causing the gas to fluctuate.

  "What are you doing, you really think just waving your hands around will do anything?  Wait, she's disrupting my gas causing me to not know the exact location of others.  That means."

  As Mustard is turning, Tetsutetsu runs in and punches the villain in the face, breaking his mask.

  "If a gas user has a mask to block the produced component, it means they are susceptible to it as well,"  Tetsutetsu breathes out as the gas vanishes due to Mustard being unconscious.

As they are relaxing though Kendo sees something coming.

  "Tetsutetsu!" She shouts as the metal user turns around to see Rappa charging at him.

  As he's about to try and hit the villain, he gets punched in the face and slammed to the ground instantly knocking him out.  Rappa then rushes over and punches Kendo in the stomach, knocking her out as well.

  "Sorry kids, usually I would take the time to kill you but you two were already injured too much to fight, there would be no point.  Plus, I'm a team player now.  My top priority is my comrade."

  Rappa then picks up Mustard and jumps away.  Meanwhile we see Bakugou and Todoroki dodging out of the way from lots of blades.  We see the weapons are coming from the mouth of Moonfish.

  "Will feed, but Won't kill blond one. Need him, for Shigaraki.  Will slaughter other though, hopefully tasty as multi armed one."

  "Crap, that means Shoji was hurt or worse.  Bakugou you stay back, he's obviously after you and your explosions might just light up the trees,"  but as Todoroki turns around he sees Bakugou gone. 

  His eyes widen in surprise and he sees in a tree behind Moonfish someone else in a tailcoat, top hat, and a creepy white mask with a smiley face on it.

  "Sorry young one but we want to show this child that he has other choices besides heroism, so he's coming with us.  Moonfish, time to go."

  "Still hungry, but fine.  Mission done, call to leave."

  "You won't get away with him!" 

Todoroki then shoots a giant ice glacier at the top hat villain but Moonfish shoots his teeth and breaks it immediately.  Moonfish then afterward fires his teeth at him in many directions causing the hero-in-training to focus on defense and dodging.  The villains then run away as the showman villain turns Moonfish into a marble and starts leaping away from tree to tree.  But as he's going, three hero students launch at him from seemingly nowhere.  The three being: Shoji, Shinsou, and Tokoyami.  A giant shadow claw comes out of the last one listed and hits the villain when he's in the air.  As he hit the ground however, Dabi picked him up. 

  "You ok there Compress, no matter.  Toga, Twice, take care of them."

  The villains nod as Toga throws a few knives at the heroes in the air but Dark Shadow coming from Tokoyami blocked them.  But when Dabi fired a blast of blue flames, the shadow beast cowered from being weakened due to the light.

  "damm it, we need to take them out and get Bakugou since we saw him get taken,"  Shinsou exclaims as he tries to throw his capture scarf at Twice but he blocks it with the metal ruler coming out of his wrist bands.  While this was happening Shoji charged at Compress and tackled him.  The villain though kicked the student in the face then flipped into the air, escaping.  Then Shoji backs away.

  "Cmon, let's go.  I got Bakugou from the villains pocket,"  Shoji states as he shows the marble in his hand and the three then get farther from all the villains.

  Just then Kurogiri appears out of nowhere.

  "I believe this was the time we planned to leave.  Let's go everyone, the others have already been picked up,"  The smoke villains states as he opens multiple portals in front of the villains.

  "Wait, we need to get that child back,"  Dabi says but Compress stops them.

  "I just wanted the heroes to gloat, they just grabbed ice,"  He then snaps his fingers and the marble in Shoji's hand turns into an ice chunk.  "You see if I flaunt something, it's usually cause there's something else to hide.

  The villain takes his mask off and opens his mouth, revealing two marbles on his tongue.  He then throws one and releases it, causing Moonfish to pop out.

  "Smell foe, hiding.  Will strike, before they do."

  The villain then shoots his teeth into a bush causing the hiding student Aoyama to be pierced in both arms and legs and he screams in pain.

  "Well aren't you a freak of nature,"  Shinsou taunts at the villain and as he's about to yell at the child that dares call him that Dabi covers his mouth.

  "Don't answer.  The kid can control you if you do.  Let's just go now, bye bye heroes."  

  The rest of the villains all walk through the portals and they close.  Leaving 4 injured students, failing their mission to save one of their own, and a blue fire burning the forest behind them through the midnight sky.

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