Time to Strike

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  Deep in the villains lair we see a ginormous, goopy creature twisting and turning in it's enormous room.  The Nowhere King was moving around, getting cozy in his new throne when Kurogiri came into the room

  "Your Majesty."

  "What is it Kurogiri?"

  "Well Tomura broke into UA and stole files for the students schedules.  It seems class 1-A is going to a place called the USJ with All Might and 2 other faculty members."

  "Excellent, this can be when you and Tomura introduce yourselves as that cliche League of Villains cover so that no one will know our full plans.  Round up as many thugs as you can for this mission.  We need to make it seem like we're taking this seriously.  I'll also send you my Nomu that has Shock Absorbtion and Super Regeneration so that way they think we have a plan to kill All Might.  I mean it can but that darn hero will probably still beat it.  Now go and prepare."

"Yes your majesty."

With that the portal user left.

  The next day we see a bunch of students going into a humongous facility.  There was also a man that looked to need more sleep and an astronaut.  The first one was named Aizawa or his hero name Erasurehead, while the space suit was named Thirteen.  They were both here to supervise and help these young heroes in training learn how to rescue civilians.  As they were about to start however, a misty portal appeared. in the middle of the fountain.  It then bloomed to a gigantic size and. out walked a bunch of villains.

   "Cool they even have fake villain!"  A boy with red hair shouted.

  But Aizawa stepped in front of the children while he slipped his goggles on.

  "Stay back!  This isn't fake, those are real villains."

  As he stated this, the students faces turned to fear.

  "Where's All Might?  I brought all these friends to meet him and he doesn't show up?  Well maybe if we kill some kids he'll finally have the guts to come here," Shigaraki said.

  Right then Nomu walked out of the portal as well.

  'From what I can tell the guy with hands growing out of his body seems to be the leader.  But what kind of quirk has that type of affect on the user?' Aizawa thought as he jumped down towards the villains.  As he was fighting though and the students were going towards the door, Kurogiri appeared in front of them.

  'Damn, I blinked and the guy who seemed the most trouble got away.'

  "Sorry to bother you in this place of righteousness, We are the League of Villains and are here to exterminate All Might.  After all what better place then in the confines of a hero establishment, Yet I do not see him here. There must of been a change that we could not foresee."  

   As he was talking Bakugou and Kirishima launched and attacked at the teleporter.

  "Your school does live up to its reputation, but you better be carful or someone may get hurt." The villain said as the smoke cleared to reveal he was fine.

  "Now I will scatter you all over this facility, to meet my friends and your deaths!" Kurogiri declared as his entire body expanded and warped most of the students to the different zones of the foundation.

  Some of them however were able to escape his grasp, so were still at the entrance.  

  "Class-rep."  Thirteen said while looking towards Iida.  "run to UA and tell the faculty whats going on.  They cut off communications and alarms so that means they probably don't know whats going on.  Which is also why they don't want any of us to leave.  Use your speed to save lives, be a hero."

  "What a brilllient strategy, but it's not smart to tell your plan out loud in front of the enemy!"  Kurogiri shouted as he was about to attack.

  "It doesn't matter if you hear us once I'm through with you." 

  As Thirteen said this, their finger opened up and started to suck Kurogiri's body in.  Of course, it didn't move his physical mass but was making it unable for him to spread out.  Of course Iida used this chance to run past Kurogiri, open the door and zoom out.

  "Damm, he's gonna call for backup.  Well, at least I can take care of a hero before I go.  After all Thirteen you're a rescue hero.  You don't have that much battle awareness."  Kurogiri opened up a portal in his body and another behind thirteen.  "What a joke, it seems you turned yourself into dust!"

  The portal made Thirteen's suction hit the user and his entire back casing broke.  They fell down injured, and fainted.

  Meanwhile on the plaza, we see Aizawa fighting all the thugs at once.  He would erase their quirks then knock them out as quick as possible.  After most were taken out Tomura decided to get in on the action. 

  "Final boss," the hero said to himself.

   He was faster than Aizawa had expected for one second the villain was on the upper level with the fountain, the next he was right in front of the hero.  Startled, Aizawa threw his capture scarf at the criminal but he just caught it.  

  "Your very skilled aren't you Erasurehead?  But I found your tell, you're hair rises when you're using that annoying quirk.  You're starting to blink more.  Be careful, or you might just fall apart." 

  When the villain finished speaking, he grabbed Aizawa's elbow and the skin and flesh started to crumble to dust until his muscle was showing.  The hero quickly kicked the villain away but sense it hit one of the other hands his shoe also turned to dust.  

  "HAHAHAHA, now this is fun!  I always love when you heroes live up to your hype.  It makes all these fights more appealing.  Oh btw hero, I'm not the final boss."

  When hearing that Aizawa turned around and all he saw was a giant, clawed hand before his entire world went black.

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