Rise of Hatred

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In the headquarters of the League of Villains we see Shigaraki and Kurogiri relaxing as they wait for the new recruits that were apparently stopping by due to a broker they met named Giran.  From what they heard, he is bringing two today and another tomorrow.  He mentioned he'll bring more if he finds them as well.

  "Master,"  Shigaraki stated as he turned to the television that said audio only.  "Why don't you meet the recruits yourself?  I'm sure it would be easier and better if you explained our mission."

  "Tomura, there are a few reasons why I will not. The main two are the fact that some could be coming for Stain's cause, not ours.  The other is cause you will be the face of this organization.  You are the one who will be in command when I am not around, you are the symbol of a new change.  For that, you must be the one to persuade these new recruits to our cause,"  Nowhere King stated through the television.

  "I see your point master and I'll do my best."

  "That is all I ask.  Now while you do that I have a possible recruit I'm gonna get myself since there is no way he'd be able to meet us here." 

  And with that, the television shut off.

  "well Kurogiri, I guess we better get ready.  After all, we don't want to seem improper when they arrive."  And with that they begin to sweep up the place.

  Meanwhile, far away we see Tartarus prison.  Inside were the most vile of all villains, including one that is in death row.  This villain is a cannibal by the name of Moonfish.

  "Flesh, need it.  So hungry,"  Moonfish whispers to himself as he scratches stick figures onto the walls with his sharp teeth.

  Suddenly a goopey portal swirls into existence in the flesh devouring meta's cage.

  "You have had a hard life Moonfish,"  The voice of Nowhere King echoes through the portal.  "People have treated you like a freak and an outcast due to the drawback of your quirk being the need to eat raw flesh, be it human or otherwise.  I can give you all that and more.  You will not be treated as a monster, you will be treated as family.  We want to get rid of this pesky sickness known as humanity, and we want you to join us.  So what do you say?

  "Can be free?  Can be family?  Will come, for hungry.  Don't want be outcast,"  Moonfish responds currently starving too much to be thinking that clearly.

  He walks towards the slimy vortex and falls straight in.  The portal then shuts, leaving not a trace of how the villain could've escaped.

  Back to the bar at which the other two members reside we see Giran enter with two other individuals.  One looks to be a highschool girl with blond hair and fangs, the other is a black haired man with charred skin in certain places that is being attached to the rest of him through staples.

  "we'll, here they are.  I'll leave you all to introductions since I've already done what I got paid for,"  Giran stated as he left the premises.

  "So, your the two Giran brought.  Before you both introduce yourselves, let me express our ideals.  This way we can learn if you'd actually like to join.  So I'm Tomura Shigaraki, and this here is Kurogiri.  We had worked with the Hero Killer Stain for a time due to both of us having similar ideas.  The difference being the distance we're both willing to go in our ideals.  Stain only sees that heroes are corrupted when in fact it's the full government.  It's probably even beyond them since thanks to those bastards in power, the entire race is tainted.  We have evolved ourselves beyond our human ties becoming a new race.  We want to make us able to be free and do whatever we want  If you do decide to join I can't make you evolve yet because our benefactor is the one who helps.  So, now you may introduce yourselves and convey your answer."

  "well hi, I'm Toga.  I love the idea of being able to do anything I want especially sucking your blood.  So sure, i'll join this little crew."

  "I'm Dabi, well at least that's what I go by.  And yeah, I agree with crazy.  I'll be with your team.

  "excellent, Kurogiri will get you set up and show you to your rooms.  I'm gonna go recruit another person I've been interested in."

  Shigaraki then put on a hood to cover himself and walked out.  He went to a secret underground ring that housed an audience of villains.  Shigaraki however went into the area where all the fighters rest and found a very tall, buff man with long, red hair.

  "Your Kendo Rappa, right?"

  The man addressed turned to look at the handsy villain. 

"And judging by your looks, your Tomura Shigaraki.  What do you want from a warrior like me?

  "I've seen your work here and interested in your skills.  I was wondering if you would like to join our cause.  You wouldn't be some underling, you'd be treated like everyone else in the group.  With respect."

  "How bout this, I'll fight ya for it.  If you win, I'll join your group, but if I win, I get a few of those Nomu things to play around with."


  With that both contestants got into the ring on either side and took a fighting position.  When the buzzer went off they both charged in an instant.  When Rappa was close he began to throw a flurry of punches but Tomura just ducked to the sideof them and ran.  When he was right next to the bullet puncher he reached out his arm and in one fell swoop, it was all over.  He had touched the guys stomach with all five fingers and just swiped through as his upper half turned to dust.  The audience were in shock since no one had ever beaten Rappa before, let alone that fast.  With his mission done, Tomura dragged the rest of Rappa away to a secluded alley and got to work.  Tomura had placed his hand on the remains and they started to repair and regrow everything.

(Quirk: Cell Manipulation.  The user has the ability to manipulate the cells of anyone they touch.  Making them unable to heal, or increase their cells to be able to basically have super regeneration.  Drawback:  Can only be used through physical contact and the user can't do it on themself.)

  Rappa gasped as he came back to life.

  "You see that.  That's the power that my master has granted me.  Join us, and you can get even stronger.  Obviously you'll have to prove your worth first.  Welcome to the team."

  "Good to be here.  I'll definitely be challenging you to a rematch though."

  "I'm looking forward to it."

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